



in ragę    [ii\‘reicfe]

this night    [óisnait]

PamFord    [paenjfo:d]

been you    [biniju]

8.    A bad cold affects a person’s pronunciation of nasals in a characteristic way. Explain the naturę of the changes involved. Will the following contrasts disappear completely?

nice - dice yei ...............................................

slam - slab..................................................

barig - bag..................................................

mob - bob...................................................

ban - bad ...................................................

9.    Give examples of three English words in which:

a) the nasal consonant is devoiced:

d/tflJ&S, ...

b) the nasa'

c) the nasal consonant is shortened:

d) the nasal consonant has a labio-dental variant:

e) the nasal consonant has a dental variant: •

f) the nasal consonant has a post-alveolar yariant:

g) the nasal consonant has an advanced yariant:

10 How would English speakers pronounce the nasal consonants in such Polish words as: Anna, senny, wanna, Emma, gamma? Why?

11. Explain why Poles pronounce the nasal consonant in words such as: Nixon, need, new, Nicholas as IńJ.

12. Identify the nasal consonants in the drawings given below. Which of them:

A.    appear only in English?.....................................

B.    appear only in Polish? (a), ...................................

C.    appear both in English and in Polish?............................

(a) £%ejfisTeyia/fiitaf/taja/ /ń/ (b)



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