c) between half-close and half-open, front, short . . ......
d) half-close, back, short . . . V....................
e) open, back advanced, long . . .................
0 between half-close and close, front-retracted, short . X- •
g) close, back, long . ,U< 4........................
h) between half-close and half-open, back, long . ......
i) between half-close and half-open, central, long . . .3.\.
j) half-open, front, short .......................
3. What do the following English vowels have in common:
4. In the words given below indicate front vowels:
b(ąjk, border, bury, consonant, thirtgęn, handkerchilf
5. In the words given below indicate rounded vowels:
dfufghter, bandit, artillery, because, armchair, evervbodv.
6. In the words given below indicate long vowels:
ryo)n, monster, vęlar, attjick, correspond, university.
7. In the words given below indicate close (high) vowels:
employęe) peasant, treachjry, ąuestion, sugar, Reading.
8. In the words given below indicate retracted (velarized) vowels:
rr{i)l, measles, rehearsal, century, Sally, until, ceiling, pal.
fectfore. ,
9. In the words given below indicate shartened-wowels:
@thor, following, tędiniyue, curiosóy, porridge, product.
10. The words given below differ in terms of one vowel only. Define the difference:
a) bead/bed andAetgAt .
b) sleep/slip . . . . . ....... t , .
c) sthdttd... ,f^
d) ten/tSn . . j .......
g) tin/ten . . ............... ' f
h) i&n/bun. . . Y0
i) bird/b&ard . ...........
j) cup/carp...........
11. Fili in the gaps:
The vowel /a/ has three major variants differing in height:
a) between half-open and half-close in....................
..................positions, for example in words such as
b) half-close and morę retracted when............
..................as in the following words:
c) half-open in . . .
. . position, as in
12. Provide three examples of English words which contain:
a) only Iow vowels /ias-4 ............................
b) only back vowels . . . ę^Tr. . *9©*?%''..................
c) only rounded vowels .... CPscrVC . . .............
d) vowels pronounced with spread lips. . . K<o^......
e) vowels pronounced with neutral lip rounding .... . . j P&Ą.
f) only central vowels. . . . . h^CGL. . .Wrrn................