Reakcje cyklu azotowego

Reakcje cyklu azotowego


Fig. 2.3 The nitrogen cycle. Reservoir units in moles of nitrogen (expressed as N), fluxes in mol yr~ 1 (after Liu et al. 1977).

Table 2.1 Chemical fluxes in the nitrogen cycle

Miner alisation

Conversion of organie N to inorganic N

CH2NH2COOH +3/202 - 2C02 + H20 + NH3 Glycine (amino acid)

NH3 can then be oxidised to N03~ and M02~ Fixation

Conversion of atmosoheric N, to oreanic N W2 + 3M'2 - 2NM3

2C02 + M'20 + NH'3 - CM2NH'2COOH Assimilation

Conversion of inorganic N to organie N

4N03- + 8H20 -»4NH3 + 802 -f 40H NH3 + 2C02 + h2o - CH2NH2COOH


Conversion of inorganic N to atmospheric N2 4N03~ + 2H20-* 2N2 + 502+40H~


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