Figurę 4-10. A-C, Dorsal aspect of the wrist. A, triangular fibrocartilage compIex (TFCC); li, cxtcnsor carpi ulnaris tcndon; C, Listers tubcrcle;
D, radial styloid; E, abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis;
F, extcnsor pollicis longus; G, scaphoid; //, trapezium; /, scaphotrapezio-trapezoid (STT) joint; /, extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus tendons; Ky scapholunate ligament; /., scapholunatc capitatc joint; jV/, hcad of the capitate; extensor digitorum communis tendons; O, ulnar head; P, distal radioulnar joint; Q, ulnar styloid; R, lunotriquetral ligament; S, triquetrum; Ty hamate; Uy lunate.
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