Rock and roll music

Rock and roll music


I’ve got no kick a-gainst mod-ern jazz__ Un - less tliey try toplay it too dam fast,_ And change the bcau-ty of the

1 took my loved one o - ver'cross the tracks,— So she canhearmyman a wail-a sax;_    I must ad - mit they have a

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Just let me liearsome of that ROCK AND ROLL— MU-SIC,    An-y old way you clioose it:    il’s got a

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batk beat, youcan’t lose.-« it,    An-y oM time you use_it,    It’s got-ta beROCTNROLL

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mel - o - dy__    Un-til they sound just like a sym - pho-ny___

rock - in’ band,—    Man,theywere go - in’ like a hur - ri -can,_1    atsw y go or that


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