Rules For the Students:
(1) Students will listen when the teacher says ’be qufet*.
(2) Students will do their homework.
(3) Students will keep their handouts in a file. Ali their handouts!
(4) Students will ask togo to the bathroom.
(5) Students will try their best
even w hen they don't like an activitv or excercise.
(G) Students will understand that
sometimes teachers make mistakes.
(7) Students will underllne words they don‘t know and wrlte the Korean beside them.
R u les for the Teac h ers:
(1) Teachers will prepare for class.
(2) Teachers will not cjive too much homework.
(ft) Teachers will listen to students.
(4) Teachers will try to prepare interesting classes (but sorne classes may not be interesting).
(5) ___