

t: (22) 635-85-14 f: (22) 398-77-68



r ha 11 on aa 1    szkoła języków obcych

WllCllldlgC*    ul. Długa 44/50

New idea for language    00-241 Warszawa

Physical properties:

1. Grammage - Weight per unit area expressed in g/m2. Basic weight paper:

Type paper

Basic size

'bond': ledger, mimeo, duplicator, rag paper

17"x 22"

'offset': book, text, coated paper

25"x 38"


25-1/2" x 30-1/2"


20"x 26"

2.    Moisture content - The absolute moisture content, expressed as a % of the paper/paperboard weight.

3.    Surface strength - A measure of the surface strength of the sample or surface resistance to picking. Pick occurs due to poor internal bonding strength.

4.    Thickness (calliper) - The perpendicular distance between the two surface of the board/paper, expressed in mm or pm, measured with a micro-meter.

5.    Water absorption - COBB - The surface water absorption over 60 seconds, expressed in g/m2.

6.    Water absorption -WICK - Water absorption at the edge, expressed in kg/m2.

Optical properties

1.    Brightness

2.    Colour - Related to perception and therefore measured or specified in terms of colour space. A commonly used system is the L, a, b system.

L - measure of illumination and varies from 100 for perfect white to 0 for perfect black. a - redness to greenness. b - yellowness to blueness.

3.    Gloss - It is the reflection of light, which is reflected at an equal and opposite angle. Normally measured at 75° or 20°.

Niniejszy skrypt jest własnością intelektualną firmy The Challenge Group A. 3. Molscy sp. j.oraz stanowi utwór w rozumieniu Ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (Dz.U.24/1994 poz 83 z póź Jakiekolwiek zastosowanie niniejszego utworu bez uprzedniej jednoznacznej i nie domniemanej pisemnej zgody The Challenge jest kradzieżą własności intelektualnej i stanowi czyn nieuczciwej konkurencji.



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