


New idea for language

SZKOŁA JĘZYKÓW OBCYCH ul. Długa 44/50 00-241 Warszawa

t: (22) 635-85-14 f: (22) 398-77-68 m:

What kind of machinę do we use to cut and trim?

What is a guillotine cutter?


For magazines, books large press sheets need to be folded into signatures. This involves a series of right-angle folds in which the sheet is folded multiple times. Folding a sheet once makes four pages, two right-angle folds make eight pages, etc.

Some common types of folds are:

•    the accordion fold or fanfold

•    the gatefold

•    the French fold

•    the letter fold


TASK: name different ways of folding the paper







There are two common types of folding machines: the knife folder and buckie folder. Please, name each of them in the pictures:

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