1. Top coil outputs 40v max while negatwe is NOT connected to negathre ofbelow SSG circuit and while SSGis pushing wheel fuli speed with those resistors on the trigger.
2. While connected as shown with SI openorpulsing top coil shows over 200(hf on either x\C or DC side o fi) ridge, primary battery is recharging between powering everything.
3. High voltage bypasses bridge inboth directions therefore.
4. x\fter getting up to speed and removing primary batter}' with orwithout charging battery, neonbulbs will be fuli brightness eachpulse or constantifSl remains closed. Wheel will slow down and volts will still be very high until wheel slows to stop.
5. Capacitor across the DC of bridge slows rotor down and signifiantly reduces effect. Thus the coil Stores charge without a capacitor.
6. Battery across bridge slows rotor down significantly with orwithout negatwe connected to comnton ground.
7. Creating a S2 to disconnect the primary batter + firom the lower circuit while pulsing the battery improves rotation and charging significantly.
8. Many morę like coils canbe added to pulse charge batteries.
9. SI and S2 are 180 degrees out ofphase. Wood opened S2 before and afłerbuss closes.
1 kv 3 A Bridge rectifier Yideo showed window coil around middle of wheel. Did not create drag,could ^ be used to charge a third batter}' when pulsed
3.5" spoolfilled with #21 wire
R60 l/16th" lding rods core
Pulsedwith same R60 rods across 1/2" copperpipe buss once every rotation 1/2 way between two magnets after N mag. 5 mil gap difference between each rodandbuss.
Core R60 rodsl/16*
John Bedini Monopole Me chanie al Oscillator Energizer with Simplified School Girl Circuit Radiant Energy charging US Patent 6,545,444 protected
Built, tested, filmed and reported by Rick Friedrich May 2007 (c) Not to be sold or used for commercial use. Not to be posted on internet or any public ation without pemussion from John C. Bedini. Build at owit risk.
Diodę 2 1N5408
100 o hm
> 2 W |
_L W ■ Diodę 2 |
T-i NSAfift | |
47 ohm | |
A_m < 2W m |
47 o hm
Diodę 1 IN4001
^} v Neon Bulb
Q Jm-2
1/2 W
Diodę 1 IN4001
Backpopping of primar}' takes place once every rotation or morę to keep it inrecharing modę always.
*12Y“ Charging 42 AH