1773 Boston Tea Party - because of high taxes, colonists rebelled. Some of Bostonians dressed up like Indians got on
British ships “wltE tea and threw it into water.
British cabinet reacted. * Boston port was closed
* The British govemment got unlimited power
* Autonomy of Massachusetts was abolished
* Ali the conditions were like in wartime
1774 - American Congress in Philadelphia.
1776 Declaration of Independence! was signed what meant breaking with British who lost their colonies in America. Civil war.
In 2nd half of 18th century London Conesponding Sociefy was funded - activity only through letters (open meetings wereiTt allowed, it was illegal to create open umonsTo discusś~ecbnomical or political issues)
Napoleon War:
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In the cnd^oT 18th century France threatened British for anti-French policy. British staited creating coalition in Europę.
* The ruling classes in Britain wanted to suppress the centre of revolution in Europę
* British wanted to weaken France to deprive its influences in Europę
* British wanted to overtake French lands (Belgium?
* British organised a blockade of French ports (Antwerp)
* Pretext to the war was an execution of French royal couple. British were afraid that the same could happen in Britain.
* British hoped, that because of France’s weakness, they’d gain some of the French colonies
Napoleon decided to defeat Britain on the seas, he organised expedition to Egypt (as French fleet was too weak to meet the British one) and Palestine in orderjo find a way to British colony in India
1795 - TRIPLE ALLIANCEIfRussia, Britain, Austria).
WILLIAM PIT-jPrime Minister who conducted against French.
1798-1805 Britain was engaged in the war with France.
French fleet was to weak to start an open fight, but Napoleon prepared expedition to cut off the nearest land to the most precious of British colony - India.
__NBLSOŃ[British admirał defeated French fleet and cut off all the Napoleon’s forces in Egypt.
lDSEATE STONE r was discovered by French officer - it contained Greek & Egyptian inscription.
//Jean Champolion & Thomas Young - discovered Egyptian lg//Napoleon didn’t cut off Britain from India,
In 1798 Turkeyjoined Britain in fight against Napoleon,
In 1802 in Amiens, signed Tractate that brought some relieves in British - let them to control Capc Province In 1805, October, Napoleon developed a plan according to which French and Spanish fleet sailed towards the Lesser Antilles. He hoped that British fleet will folio w his and leave British Coast and he will be able to błock them, but well developed system of British spies knew earlier about it, so 21 October 1805^at CAPE TRAFALGAR British fleet under command
_of iNelson met 2 fleets. British won, eliminating them.
SULKOWSKI - Napoleoifs officer, fighting in Samossierra (Spain)
1815 - Napoleon was completely defeated (Waterloo), THE YIENA CONGRES/George Wellington was active at Congres Britain gained some former French possessions: ** San Domingo ** Martiniąue ** Guadeloupe ** Salen ** Java **Malta ** Cape Province ** Guyana ** Ceylon ** Tobago ** Australia ** possessions in India
Unfortunately, after Napoleon Wars, Europę was too weak to buy British goods, there were some crises in economic - too many goods were produced and there was no place to sell them European countries were too poor. British started looking for other markets e.g. in Asia, where they smuggled opium to ** China. Next country was ** Turkey (British merchants were allowed to trade freely with Ottoman Empire). Later: ** Egypt ** Syria ** Sudan ** Arabia.
During Napoleon Wars, Ireland tried to help France and to regain independence but when French ships tried to reach their West Coast, they were prevented. As a conseąuence British punished Ireland - Irish were deprived of any political rights, medium and high class didn’t speak Irish language.
1791 - The Association for the lYoune Irishj- fought for freedom and independence 1798 - Rebellion in Ireland which was bloody settled down.
The British provoked the conflict between Irish Catholics and Protestants.
jf800 TrelandTyas joined tóBritain7.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (100 Irish MPs joined the parliament) Irish Parliament stopped existing - 100 Irish MP’s joined the House of Commons, and 29 peers joined the House of Lords.