lenc because of falling j)riccs. dwindling demami and foreign compctition.
Lumber company fires 121
High ichoot *enlor» Dina Ralaton, lett. and Jasmino Olyael wotk on thelr sidewalk art Saturday ketplace during the annual Vla Arte, an Itallan Street Pafntirig Featlval. In Bakenfleld, Callf.
at the Mar*
"Quick, finiśh reading the poper and get to the mail for the Mall-Wide Sidewalk Sale This is the event shoppers like us live for."
Sunday, Octo6©f 16.2005 TIm**łtewi, Twłn Fatls. Id*ho B-5
116-1000, Md
By John Mllter
AaŁocłatod Prt»a wrllar
BOISI: — Stimson Lumber Co.. *a privatcly bek) wood. pro<luci.s company that ossus 500.000 acrcs uf foa*st in Idaho. Montana. Orcgon and Washington. is firing 121 workers as it shuttcrs a sawmill in Cocur d’A-
The Atlas mili In the northcrn dalio timbcr and resort t«vvn prodneed pilic lx»anl. molding. redar boards, dccking and aher kłiids of worki produets for the luiilding industry. li will cbse Dcc. 31.
Idahos ćongrcssinnal dolega-tion hlamcd the job lusses on chcap Canadian sofiwood im* perts that hnvc bccn at the ccaier ofahittcrycars-ołd trade dLfIUtc. •
t was at loast the secontl
Northwest sawmill to an-ttotmee rcrontly it was firing workers hecausc of difiicult operat ingconditkms.
Iloisc Cascade. a Holsc-hascd wnod-prtHlucts comjwny. sald Wednesday it‘s laying tiff 70 workers at a Li dramie. Ort*., sawmill hccsmsc natural gas priceshave madę it toocoslly to run gas-fired Imilcrs.
.Stimson hlaimd its uoes on intpons and alternatiw wood woducts mhbing its (iietir tlA-lenemill of business.
"Stimson is no longer able to economicallycompete willi import and aiteriialiee wood produets to its pinc and cerlar Products." Ci:t) Andrew Miller said in a statement releasetl In-day. "We face dwindling market demami and pricing."
Hordami. Orc.-hascd Ślini-son. whkh nms sepantte snuł mills in Coeur d'Alene and l*riest ltiver. asweil as in I lauser foliowing its biiyout o. tliat fa-cłllty in 2001. plaas to uppiy tur lYade Adjustment Asslslance front the U.S. I\*ponmcnt of tabor. That federnł program helps workers who lose tbeir jobs lxfcau.se of Increnserl cotn-petition or jobs bcing ntovcd outside the United States.
Immedfatdy afler the dosure announcement. tliree mcm* bers of Idabo*s congrcssional delegation. Sen. Ltrry Craig. Sen. Mikę Crapo and Hep. Hotch Otter. all Iłepuhlicnns. lambast-ed wliat tliey caUctl the rcsult of a spike in softwood lumber im-pnrts from Canada.
"We will .siipport your peti-tion for 'lYntlc Adjustment Assistanec to help willi this tnuisition and will also work to help outside workers. such as loggers. wito are not dlrectly employerl iry Stimson but will l>e impaeled." the thrcc said in a statement.
Fri. & Sat. ■
10 am - 9 pm Sunday
11 am - 6 pm
ComerofPoleUne&BlueLakes 733-3000
JACKSON. WYu (AD-A hel* ft
to rescue n hunter whod
icopter pilot froin an Idaho Itospital used nig)it-vision gog
Somctimcs Advanccd Technology Is
f>i3 Basi;
Pilot reseues | Subscrlbe. 733-0931
n dniggcd Ijy a liorse in the Teton Wilucmess.
Search-aml-mscue eoordina-tor Dong Meyer .said Thunsday nights rcscuc probably savcd lite lift* of the 71 -ycar-old hunter, who was dragged after his liorse slipped in a imtddy spot.
"It ended ui> nad the guy spcnl the niglit in tlierc he wouldnl luive madę it." he said.
Meyer sald the hunter, whose namc hc dklnt know. was with an outfitter in a remotc pan of the Teton Wikl«’mess when the aeddent happened Ihursday aftemoon. The outlitter provld-ed initial niedical carc. helping to stahllizc the hunter wlule a helicoptcr from listem Idalio Hegional MedicaJ Center in klalio Polis raced to try to reaclt a landing arna during dayllght.
Derald Glenn
3796 N 3400 E • Kimborly, ID
Locstod fust south ot Kimborly Rd on 2400 E$sl
Tucsday, Oct. 18th • 5:00 PM
Fort 4800 UilJIty Traclor. wujo front. 3-cyt Ooscl. 4*»pp w.łiiAlow. 2*iomoio^ 540 pło. 3-pt Cai I tx u twtfy 12.4-28 robb©/. 2733 h/s Ono Ow/i©/ • 84 Fort F-800 Truck 6-Cyt 5*2 tran*. /oa/ hosl. D©ot bod wi/!/cp i<Ca (not /umlng)
• Fort 92" tUH mow*r. T-Oalls. 540 pio. 3*pt • 0jnu«*r 8'troctor bUd». 3*pt
• Wmco reury dHch ctaifwr, 540 pto, 3-p« • L»ly Rot.rro 12' Ofound IlUer. pio. 3-pt • Hutchlftłon graln aug«r. 8' * 2T. pło. co rutbor • 12 iiogio gong cultipockor • 150 gal f-eW łpfoyer. roWx>o boomy pto pump. 3*pt • 150 gol poi/ toruaw unk • 3-pi cn«ny pic*0f. Cot I or II
terno ghoo alf comprouof. vcrtido tarW. 2hp. 1-ph • 7-loo hytJ doof pick • shop wJdof 260 amp AC/DC • MoklLS 14' d>op • Cłvcago S8' tVxx tlrJ p#o»s cety/ac«M«oe or propan© torch wJSm>lh gaugos 8 eon • tungsten car-Wdo hart Burfac© toroh • Dayton V ong’o gnraw • 3/4' sodei s©t • 1/2 oteeme drtl • błtta/y charo©/ • «©k!*g UW© v»/ns© • (2) hyd bom© iacXa • (2) geor puil-•u • VUcan ©ftc.l • 6’ bon lacar • osionston corts • Boklof ihp elocuic rooio/ • log chalnt A Nndors • *»«od bu mar wand • o©Ikjuo Ug v.so • o'*d b/ac* A b<u • nj fofcjiafl wood taddou. 5-. 6' A 8'' misc bo«3 8 suppios • h.wid post dnvo/ ASSORTCD FARM ITEMS
300 aa! ®v4/h©ad fool tank wfstand • t-p/12.4-28 snapon lrocio/ duols • t-p/ 13.8-28 1k«B A rtms • 1*Of Fo/guson roar wtiool ipacors • (3) »>od conugalw boeonu 4Vbley Mound conugalor botioms • Coi 13-pt masi * muc JO iraclo/ ovkj© ptses • (2) hyd cyindou • (4) amoll goug© whoołs • (6) JD soi* • oppro* 20 boon euflar kniv«» • approi 300 3/4’ sl-1250 1* nphon tubos • od/usUW© d>tch uis • wood bum©/ front ©nd
/CtoUW. ftonl Ocm. now motor • HomokU KTC-12 Wiof-cuitWo-oloetrte yard pump '
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