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1M6-1848 Irish were fighting for independence, when'greatTfa minę affected their country (failure in potatoes plantation). Due to that famine 1,5 million died of hunger, another million immigrated to America. Eire was heavily depopulated.
Those, who emigrated, decided to organise themselyes and help those who remained in Ireland and fought for independence. In 1857 they established in America the Fenian Brotherhood, which aim was to train Irish how to fight and organising rising in Ireland. It was due to break out in .spring 1867; however it never broke out, for British leamed about the possibilities of the outbreak. As a result they arrested many members of the Fenian Brotherhood who were to take pait in the raising,
British cabinet understood that they had to do something about Irish - they couldn't continue arresting people, as it brought no results.
Liberał lord Gladstone’s idea was the separation of Irish Church and State. Church in Ireland lost importance.
House of Lords:
House of Commons:
consisted of 400 peers (aristocratic origins) from England 28 bishops
16 peers from Scotland 28 peers from Ireland consisted of 658 MPs:
500 came from England and Wales
105- Ireland
53- from Scotland
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The membership depended on the loyalty to the leader of the party (liberals)
1860 2 big parties tried to organise themselves and nominated people who can meet,
Brook’s Club (Whigs?) met a Carlton Club,
In 1860, London Trade Union Association - firs maker’s union - was frinded, which was in opposition to another trade
union organisation - Cligue, then they tried to unify.
In the end of 19th century Whigs started calling themselves Liberals, they had 6 supporters.
Torries - Conservative Party (Cabinet)
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British became interested in expansion to the Near East and in trade in the Black Sea (in territories belonging to Russia) 1853-1856 Crimean Wari British and French accused Russian orthodox Church of trying to take over the holy places in Palestine, but it was only pretext. British wanted to have trade interests in Black Sea. The war was ąuite severe.
ŚlEGE ÓF SEYASTOPOU which lasted for a year. This war ended with victory of France
The most spectacular battle -
and Britain, and they expanded possessions. British got Black Sea area: 1 Iran, 1 Pakistan, 1.Afghanistan [2 3China]
This war led to foundation of the 0Red Cross Organisation’? (British nursedFlorence Nightingale, organised the medical help for wounded soldiers)
Canada-1867-Australia, New Zealand, Cape Province acąuired a title of a DOMINION (They got their own Parliament but foreign policy depended on British policy.)
1870 - Foster s Education Act - introduced for the firs time compulsory education for children - in age 5-12
1871 - Amnesty Act - releasing all the arrested Fenians.
In 1876 Prime Minister B. Disraeli, convinced Queen Yictoria to make India colonists pearl of British crown. British bankers sponsored expeditions to Africa. 1876 - Queen Yictoria the EMPRESS OF INDIA.
In second haif of the 19Ih century, big manufacture owners and merchants were interested in new geographical regions - wanted sponsor expeditions.
1865 - the Reform League which aim was to fight for reforms, was fund.
|l 867 - theJSecond Ballot Act[
* Abolished 46 rotten barons
Every 3 gro w up men got the right to vote (ovcr 2 millions)
* Seats in Parliament were given to industrial towns
* The property was still ąualification (£10 a year)
Succession War in USA: Britain supported the northern States (were good trade market and had cotton). British were afraid
that Canada could follow USA so conductcd sonie reforms:
** System of federal govemmcnt (to give sonie autonomy)