two early Indian metal images and opines that they were madę for household worship or as votive-offerings. H. Hattel gives step-by-step developmenl in the iconographic formula of the early goddcss Durgfi Mahisisuramardinl illustrating examples in stone and terracotta. B.N. Mukherjee discusses the image and concept of the goddess KaE through examples of PSla-Sena sculptures from eastem India. The demons of the Kulu Valley are brought to light by the writing from Gabriele Jettmar Thakur - a long time resident of Manali. An interesling essay by Veronika Veil deals with the auspicious marks of a horse for its master.

B.B. Lal shows how stratigraphy helps in dating a three-eyed terracotta head from Sringaverapura to the first century A.D. P.K. Agrawala has brought to our notice a rare Gandhara statuę of Skanda with cock and peacock preserved in Berlin Museum. N.P. Joshi draws our attention to deva-pattas where city - goddess (nagara-devat&) re-emcrges in the study of medieval stelae from norlh India. Platę Nos. in the text should be 46 to 50 and not from 45


to 49. Dcvangana Dcsai examines the role of Saiva Tantric system in images and thcir placcment in the arehilccture of Kandariyfi Mah3deva tempie at Khajuraho. Maxwell critically analyses the aesthetic and philosophic background and iconographic features of a Visnu image from Bhusawar. The morę correct idcntification of this image ought to have been Vaikuntha Caturfinana as mentioncd in Silpa texts and not Vi$varupa as suggested by Maxwell.

Anand and Naval Krishna dcal with Kfsna-Hlfi in a Dikancri linc-drawing of c.A.D. 1725. This is the only arliclc in this book wilhout a bibliography. Joachim Bautzc discusses an illustratcd Dhola-Maru manuscript Irom Nagaur of scvcntccnth century.

The last thrcc articles covcr Indo Islamie city and lomb architccturc and its ornamcnlalion which are dcscribcd and examined in historical pcrspcctive. Gcorge Michell illuslratcs his articlc with special architectural drawings of Firozabad. Salome ZajadaczHastenralh shows that the Makii Hill nccropolis originated from the clusters of tombs buill around the gravcs of saints situated in three placcs: in the area norlh of Section 3, in Seclion 3 and in the middlc of Section 2. Taj Ali dcscribes the tombs in the Lal Mahra Sharif cemetcry which are the earliest cxtant monuments of thcir kind in Pakistan dated to the elcvcnlh-twelflh ccnturies.

Many of the ancicnt buildings, sculptures and paintings are discusscd in this book for the first time and all the tcxts and llgurcs are original contributions specialiy prepared for this Volumc. In thesc pages the reader touchcs the worid of Greek, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim cultures in India, where there is continuity of tradilion in modern limes.

This presligious publication is a worlhy presentation to Profesor Klaus Fischer, whom *bc rcviewcr had met scvcral ycars ago at the Princc of Walcs


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