Task types for the orał test in methodology —2011
1. Prepare and give a situat ional grammar presentation of...................
2. Prepare and conduct a drill / controlled practice / free practice activity practising
this grammar structure:.............
3. Prepare and give the presentation of these lexical items:...................
4. Prepare and conduct a drill/ an activity in which you will practice the pronunciation
/ intonation of this sound / word / sentence:.........................
5. Demonstrate ways of eliciting............................................from students.
6. Correct the following orał mistakes:.........................................
7. Plan and present a speaking activity based on this photo / advertisement / authentic
materiał etc. for this group of students:................
8. Design and present a receptive / productive pronunciation exercise to practise
9. Design and present a warm-up activity which would revise the following grammatical structure / function/ lexical set.