Student* leatł tutnriah - Fwfjnotion:
Tutonal 1:
Rcvise and clarify a gi\cn aspect of ihc Warsaw Amcncan Literaturę $tud> Guićelines.
Supply ihc class with a one page handout es en if you providc an (optional) power point prcscntauon to facilitatc your tutonal
Your tutonal is to be scorcd according to the foliowing entena:
i) Content and task accomplishmcnt 5
ii) Grammar and pronunciation (usc ofianuuagc) 5
iii) Class responsivcncss and prcscntation-commur.icauon 5 -
15 Total
Tutorial 2:
Cbooso 20-30 marks worth of a past exam paper Crom an> >car or scction of Ute exam. and work throuęh it with your dassmates <in class) hclping cvcryone to rcniemfccr and understand the answers Your mconal is to be scorcd according to the foliowing entena
i) Response and parucipauon of the class 5
ii) Usc of languaec and task accomplishmcnt 5_
10 Total
Zbigniew Lewicki, ed. American Uterature, Warszawa: U.S. Embassy in Warsaw 1985. tmory Elliott. ed., The Colurraia Literory History cf the US. New York: Columbia UP, 1933.
The Norton Anthology of American Literaturę, eds. Nina Baym et al., IV ed.
American Romanticism (the American Renaissance) - the nnvel, short story Readings: Herman Melvilie tyłoby Olek (fragments)
Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Edgar Aiian Poe: The Fali of the House of Usher Terms The American Gothlc. romance, symbelism _1
j Tasks What was Hawthome's vision of the Purrtans in The Scarlet Letter? _2
fhc Amcncan Gothic in sclcctcd worki by Hau ihorr.c and Edgar Allan Poe Me!ville's interpretations of evll in Moby Olek _a
American Romanticism - essays, pootry
Readings: Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self-reliance”
Henry David Thoreau, "Resistonce to Cvil Covernment"
Walt Whitman, songs 1-6 from "Song of Myself (Leowes of Cross) Emily Dickinson, selected 5 poems
i Terms
Self-reliance, c^il disobeaience. free verse
Tasks The ccnccots of freedom. :ndividualism. and originality tn Emcrson s "Sclf-
rcł ” _6
l Thoreau’* idea of civic responsibility. _7
Themes and poetic styłes in Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson _
Realism and Naturalism in the American Novel Readings: Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Henry James. Daisy Miller
Stephen Crar.e. The Red Badge of Courage
Terms |
Determimsm. reaism. naturalism |
9 | |
1Tasks |
Racial relations In The Adventures of Huckleoerry Finn. |
10 | |
Naturę and cnnlizatlon as presented in Twams novel. |
11 | ||
The picture of-war in The Red Sodge of Courage |
12 | ||
The role of determinism in Crane's novel. |
13 | ||
Amenca and Europę in Daisy Miller |
24 |
American Mo dc mi \l Prose Readings: Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
F. Scott Fittgerald, The Great Gatsby William Faulkner. Llght in August
Terms |
The iost generation, modemist aesthetlcs. the Roaring Twenties, flappcr. stream of consciousness 15 |
Tasks |
The imoact of World War 1 on American modemist writers. 16 The role of eender in selected modemist novels. 17 The otcture of the American South In Lioht in Auaust. 18 The siemficance of race in selected novels of American modernism 19 Faulkner'* experimentai modernism (stream of consciousness. treatment of time and psycholog'/) 20 |