History ofAmerican literaturę 20010/11
Prescribed books: Sec 'Licencjat rcąuircments tclow"
Ręcommcnded Book: - Dr C Bcde: Highligins of American Literaturę
Recommended On linę: - http://\v\v\v sparknotcs.com/lil
Lesson Tonics:
Lcsson l:
Pan l: Coursc Plan and Inircduction 10 National Bcginnings of Amcncan Lit Pan 2: N. Hauthomc: Sc ariet Letter - .4;
Pan 3: N. Hau thomc: Scarlei letter B {Home Work);
Lcsson 2:
Pan 1: Feedback on: N. Hau thomc: Scarłet letter A :
Pan 2: H. Mchillc: \loby Did: - A:
Part 3: H. Mclville: Moby Dick - B (Home Work):
Lesson 3:
Pan l: Feeciback on: H. Me!vi!lc: Moby Dick • Part ? (Home Work),
Pan 2: Intro. To Rorr.amicism: E.A. Poc: Tne Huuse of ushers - A:
Pan 3: E.A Poc: 77u* Huuse of ushers - B <Home Work) :
Lesson 4:
Pan 1: Feeciback on: E.A. Poc The House of ushers - B (Home Work):
Pan 2: Emerson: Self-reHance:
Pan 4: Thcrcau: Rcsistancc to Civil Cowmnicnt •Home Work)
Lesson 5:
Pani: : Feeciback on: Thoreau: Resistanceto CM i Covernmcnt (Home Work): Pan 2: Test 1: Scarlct letter and Moby Dick (Lesson 1 and 2)
Lesson 6
Pan 1: Feeciback cm: Test 1: Scarlct letter and Moby Dick (Lcsson l and 2)
Pan 2: work out Schedule for student led tutorials Pan 3: Whnman: Lea\-cs of Grass - Song to myseif;
Part 4; Dickinson: Selectecipoenis(Home work)
Lesson 7:
Part 1: Feeciback on: Dickinson: Sclccted poems (Home Work):
Pan 2: Student Led Tulonai(SLT). Nqmes__
Pan 3: M Twain: Huck Finn - A:
Pan 4: Intro. to Rcnlism; M Twain: Huck Finn - B ''Home work)
Lcsson 8:
Pan l: Feeciback on: M Tuain: Huck Finn - B fHcmc work).
Pan 2: (SLT) \amcs:___
Pan 3: H James: Daisy Miller - A:
Pan 4. H James: Daisy Miller - B (Home work)
Lcsson 9: Part 1: Feeciback on: H James: Daisy Miller - 8 (Home worki.
Pan 2: (SLT) Samcs_
Pan 3: S Crane: The Red Bacige ofCourage - .4:
Pan 4: S Crane: The Red Bacige of Couragc - B (Home work)
Lcsson 10:
Pan 1: Feeciback on: S Crane: The Red Bacige of Couragc - A (Home work):
Pan 2: Test 2: E.A. Poe. Emerson. Thoreau. Whitman, Dickinson (Lesson 3-6)
Lesson 11:
Pan 1: Feedback: Test 2: E.A Pcc.Emerson,Thorcau. Whitman.DickcrsonTwain. (Lesson 3-6)
Pan 2: (SLT) Same',_
Pan 3 E Hemingway: Fiesta: Tne Sun Aiso Rises - A.
Pan 4: Intro. to Modemism - prosc and poetry: E Hemingway: Fiesta: - B (Home work)
Lesson 12:
Pan 1: Feedback on: E Hemingway: Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises - 3 [homc work):
Pan 2: (SLT) Nlamcs:_
Pan 3- F S Fittgerald: The Great Gatsby-A:
Pan 4 F S Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby - 8 (Home work)
Lesson 13:
Pan 1: Feedback on. F S Fitzgerald: Tne Great Gatsby - B (Home Work):
Pan 2: (SLT) Samej-_
Pan 3' W Faulkner Ught In August - A:
Pan 4 W Fauikner Ught In August - B (Home Work)
Lesson 14:
Pan 1: Feedback on. W Faulkner Ught In August - B (Home Work)
Pan 2: (SLT; Samcs:_
Pan 3 Test 3: Mark Twain. Henry James. S Crane (Lessons 7-9)
Lesson 15: Feedback on: Test 4 Mark Twain. Henn- James, S Crane (Lessons 10-13);
Pan 1;
Pan 2: (SLT1 Samcs:_
Pan 3: Beat Literaturę. Post Modemism and contcmporary
Lesson 16:
Pan 1: (SLT; Samcs:_
Pan 3- Rcvision
Lesson 17:
Part 1 Test 4: E Hemingway, F S Fitzgcrald. W Faulkner (Lessons 11-13)
Lesson 18:
Pan 1: Feedback on: Test 4: E Hemingway, F S Fitzgcrald. W Faulkner (Lessons 11-13)
Lcsson 19-25:
Student led revision of past Warsaw E\ams for entry to the Mastcrs program
Mark AJlocation Index: Percentage to grade conversion
Student Lead Tutorials |
25 |
61-70 marks = |
3.0 |
Classroom Panicipation |
5 |
71-75 marks = |
33 |
Tcsts |
=20 |
76-85 marks = |
4.0 |
100 |
86-90 marks = |
4.5 | |
91-100 marks = |
5.0 |
Notę: An average offne for your w hole ntark alłocation implics exemption front the finał American Literaturę exam.