1210897620496930325984887930955063101140 n

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Native American literaturę • Th© dom.mł for.ot 't TlJt-** Amartcan Mrfjftur© i\ on tr,Mi*cr. r<-.H«xj io Nafo© Amt*>can cułturo felery. m* 'j«on and ttxpon©nc«t . Tfwj t«fm Nntuif Amant tut Nwjturo rjt ;*tamofoty AfT.ff.tn focfcin ir*’Mfur«' .\ i i y rH«fn Io wor*%

*f idr*> by Wmj nd^moui p©oc*» o* fh« Umtod Sta?^*. >r'-J Gan «J*» Id Carukto trv % i 'torturo «rt$o carftod Fw+A Nt*trjn% Uoraturc Bocnu^o moro than t 100 ndbem. rjt t/ito of N.*r w Am*jf.oara '.ve tn tn© Ur iod    and Canada N.#/v© Amoncan

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