4 Nabve American literaturo ot th<• 20th century was shaped by and hdps shap© po<it»coi qu<nt>on% ccncerrung Nativo American poopio • Ono ot th© rrx»ł prominent voccs ot tho narty 20th century wjm (S*xi«) also known as
/itMa-Sa becamo a prominent voce for Native American rights Sb© pubttfhod Oliayi m tho magajEmc* Th© Atlantic Monthfy and HarpcfM. OOj?*xJ tho Amnncan Indian Mogazmo m 1018 and 1919. .md wroto two boofra Oki Indian Logondi (1901) .md American Indian Słonor. (1921)