Untitled 31

Untitled 31

Inspired by thc lavish opulence ot lute I8th century French jewclry and apparcl, rhis bracclct pairs richly colorcd crystal Stones and merallic Charlottcs with smali freshwater pearls to create a sronning look.


bracetet 6'/- in. (15.9 ern)

•    5 12 mm rtwło <x cuci; 3 rema

ciałOi wwi pilico backs

•    2 4 itwr. i '.n/V;Vtr.

•    2 16-ir (4 i cmiwarv3i3irm hua-asoier pccirts

•    15 g 1 • ’ r.yi-rtrr fcoaas

•    6g'5' »oabixitfs

•    &0, 15' vł»twinese CJiX'> :"or.

•    5 d i r>c Oom CnoitstteJ

•    rr»rte6''&.tftst

•    bOKSns r^Mjfcs, *12 eort *13

•    btwiinc. wnx fcpttons;

for ccłcr ritomiaiisn. *«e or Re-Oj« ;*<3uWe ul BC«ł*r>3Bt/lCO.


step step

Fnd and add Ki te li nr < Basic*, p. 103t as nredrd.


[1]    On I yd. m> of Fireline, pick up 32 13*sccd bcads. and, lcavmg a 12-in.

131) cmi taił, sew llirmigli thc first fcw 1SS sgain to form a ring. Usinyt 15% work a round iii Uilnilar peyotc ttirch łBasics;, and step up.

[2]    3)1 i >rk rnuv rouncit in tubular peyotc using 114 cylinder bcads.

[3]    Thread a ncedlr on thc ta.il, and w<xk rwo rourlds using cylinder*.

[4]    Zip up (Basic* i the las! niuod of Cyłinders in step 3 and thc last round of cylinder* m step 2. Tie a fcw half-hitch knots IBasiCSj tosecure thc llircad, h-at do not uun.

[5]    K nc.it steps 1 I to make a total i 18 rings.

Stone bczels

[1] Sew dirough tbc bcadwork o: a r np. CO cxit j cylinder in thc first round of

cylinder*- Work two roundS of tubulał peyotc using cylinder* (phoło n), and step up.

|2] Place a 12 mm rmili or cubic airconia stone in tbe br/cł face up. and work a round of tubular peyore with 1S* sccd bcads. Work aoother round using IS" Cicch Charlotte*. Tic a fcw half-hitch knots to secure thc thrćad. hut do not tri ni.

(31 Sew through tlvr br.tdwoek to exit 3 cylinder in thc firH round on the bock side of thc bczrl. Work two rounds with 154 sccd bcads. Wenk a round willi 13° O ech Charlotte*. Tic a few half-hitch knois to secute the thread, but do not trim.

(4] Reprat step* 1- > to make a total of five stutte bcecls.

Linklng components

[1] Sew throngh thc bcadwork ot a ring to exit a cylindrr in thc center round. Work a peyotc «itch using a cylinder. Pkk up a cylinder, tutti, and sew tlirough the cylinder just add od tpłiolo f>). Workmg in fiat esen-cour.i peyote -Basic*). make a strip that ts two cyłinders wide by 10 mm king cvifh fjve cyłinders on eaeh edge. Zip up thc last two rOWi of the strip to the center i onnd of cylinder* in a ncw ring tphoto c).

[2)    Connret two tr.otc ring-. to the liisl rwo nn?.s in thc same maniitt, stitc.htng che sttips a: rigjit anglc* to fotm thc four i ings into a Sguare. IliCtc shnuld be six cyłinders between each pair of Strips on a ring to form thc right anglt-(photo d).

[3)    Conrinuuig in the ;x>tirru of groups of four,coiuicci 12 ring* in this mannec tot the length of the bracclct.

[4)    To add ptcots along ihc cilgr t of thc Strips. sew tluoiigli thc bwdwc.-rk to cxit thc first cy imder on a sirtp. Pkk up three 1 $' Crech Chariwtes, and *ew through the :iext iwo cyłinders (phoło o). Repeat to add ptcots aloog beth edges of thc strip. Add picot trim to all the strips cxecpt the cod strips. whkh is when* the cUh1 "dl bc attached.

‘.wvw.BoaisAiKiei.lton com 1 flftl 2050    71


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