Inspired by thc lavish opulence ot lute I8th century French jewclry and apparcl, rhis bracclct pairs richly colorcd crystal Stones and merallic Charlottcs with smali freshwater pearls to create a sronning look.
bracetet 6'/- in. (15.9 ern)
• 5 12 mm rtwło <x cuci; 3 rema
ciałOi wwi pilico backs
• 2 4 itwr. i '.n/V;Vtr.
• 2 16-ir (4 i cmiwarv3i3irm hua-asoier pccirts
• 15 g 1 • ’ r.yi-rtrr fcoaas
• 6g'5' »oabixitfs
• &0, 15' vł»twinese CJiX'> :"or.
• 5 d i r>c Oom CnoitstteJ
• rr»rte6''&.tftst
• bOKSns r^Mjfcs, *12 eort *13
• btwiinc. wnx fcpttons;
for ccłcr ritomiaiisn. *«e or Re-Oj« ;*<3uWe ul BC«ł*r>3Bt/lCO.
Fnd and add Ki te li nr < Basic*, p. 103t as nredrd.
[1] On I yd. m> of Fireline, pick up 32 13*sccd bcads. and, lcavmg a 12-in.
131) cmi taił, sew llirmigli thc first fcw 1SS sgain to form a ring. Usinyt 15% work a round iii Uilnilar peyotc ttirch łBasics;, and step up.
[2] 3)1 i >rk rnuv rouncit in tubular peyotc using 114 cylinder bcads.
[3] Thread a ncedlr on thc, and w<xk rwo rourlds using cylinder*.
[4] Zip up (Basic* i the las! niuod of Cyłinders in step 3 and thc last round of cylinder* m step 2. Tie a fcw half-hitch knots IBasiCSj tosecure thc llircad, h-at do not uun.
[5] K steps 1 I to make a total i 18 rings.
[1] Sew dirough tbc bcadwork o: a r np. CO cxit j cylinder in thc first round of
cylinder*- Work two roundS of tubulał peyotc using cylinder* (phoło n), and step up.
|2] Place a 12 mm rmili or cubic airconia stone in tbe br/cł face up. and work a round of tubular peyore with 1S* sccd bcads. Work aoother round using IS" Cicch Charlotte*. Tic a fcw half-hitch knots to secure thc thrćad. hut do not tri ni.
(31 Sew through tlvr br.tdwoek to exit 3 cylinder in thc firH round on the bock side of thc bczrl. Work two rounds with 154 sccd bcads. Wenk a round willi 13° O ech Charlotte*. Tic a few half-hitch knois to secute the thread, but do not trim.
(4] Reprat step* 1- > to make a total of five stutte bcecls.
[1] Sew throngh thc bcadwork ot a ring to exit a cylindrr in thc center round. Work a peyotc «itch using a cylinder. Pkk up a cylinder, tutti, and sew tlirough the cylinder just add od tpłiolo f>). Workmg in fiat esen-cour.i peyote -Basic*). make a strip that ts two cyłinders wide by 10 mm king cvifh fjve cyłinders on eaeh edge. Zip up thc last two rOWi of the strip to the center i onnd of cylinder* in a ncw ring tphoto c).
[2) Connret two tr.otc ring-. to the liisl rwo nn?.s in thc same maniitt, stitc.htng che sttips a: rigjit anglc* to fotm thc four i ings into a Sguare. IliCtc shnuld be six cyłinders between each pair of Strips on a ring to form thc right anglt-(photo d).
[3) Conrinuuig in the ;x>tirru of groups of four,coiuicci 12 ring* in this mannec tot the length of the bracclct.
[4) To add ptcots along ihc cilgr t of thc Strips. sew tluoiigli thc bwdwc.-rk to cxit thc first cy imder on a sirtp. Pkk up three 1 $' Crech Chariwtes, and *ew through the :iext iwo cyłinders (phoło o). Repeat to add ptcots aloog beth edges of thc strip. Add picot trim to all the strips cxecpt the cod strips. whkh is when* the cUh1 "dl bc attached.
‘.wvw.BoaisAiKiei.lton com 1 flftl 2050 71