identity « An tmportant themc <n Nat«ve American literaturo today >s tho rssue c? Nativo American identity— *hat it means to be Natiw Amorican . Winter m tth? Biood (1974) by (BfackJoot and Gros Ventrei deats with ono man % dcv»Sop‘ng understandmg ot wbo ho ts Wołchi maen character com« to undemtand h.msed by p»ecmq tocjethef h« compfox f.imily history L>ke many other charactcrs m contemporary Natr.o Amercan f.ct;on. Wołch n horo suflera probiems thnt havo affcctcd many Native American pooplc nuch .n aicahctnm and ahenabon