
IP address

The IP address (Internet Protocol Address) is an Identification number assigned to identify each device or Computer connected to the IP network such as the Internet or intranet. (It corresponds to a mail address or a telephone number)

Unique addresses managed by each country are used on the internet where the network is connected on a global scalę.

An IP address is expressed by a 32-bit number for IPv4, which is now used commonly.

It is generally divided into 4 parts of 8 bits like "" and represented as decimal notation.

The 32-bit value consists of the network part which identifies each network and the host part which identifies the connected device in the network (PC, etc.)

(IP address) = ((Class) + network part address) + (host part address)

Representations of IP address An IP address (IPv4) is described by a 32-bit number.

Binary number 00000000000000000000000000000000 to 11111111111111111111111111111111 Decimal number    0 to 4294967295

Hexadecimal number    0 to FFFFFFFF

They are divided by 8 bits for easier comprehension.

Binary number 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000 to 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111 Decimal number 0.    0.    0.    0 to 255.    255.    255.    255

Hexadecimal number 0.    0.    0. Oto FF. FF. FF. FF

(1) Classification by class

The classification system called "class" has been traditionally used to fixedly handle the boundary between the IP address network part and the host part.


Bit assignment (*1)

Higher bits-------------Lower bits

Higher 8 bits

Boundary of network address

Private IP address rangę

Class A


part (8) Host part (24)

101 Net ID Host ID |

(Oto 127)

8 bits from the highest to

Class B

Network part(16) Host part(16)


|T|o; Net ID Host ID |

10***”* (128 to 191)

16 bits from the highest to

Class C

Network part(24) Host part(8)

.—3—-----—21—-~ —8—

11 1 0 Net ID Host ID |

H0”™ (192 to 223)

24 bits from the highest to

*1 The Dpart at the higher of the IP addresses indicates classes.

The classes A to C are the addresses for public use.

The address usable for the devices that are not directly connected to the Internet is called "private IP address".

1 -3


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