Manufacturing as the design stage is a set of activities assigned to the producing of the designed part. The manufacturing is one of other activities after design stage. The problem consist in transformation of the CAD data to the manufacturing data. The manufacturing data are sometimes callcd as CAM dala.
Computer support in manufacturing stage - Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) may include the following
• Tool and fixture design for manufacturing.
• Numerical Control part programming,
• Computer aided process planning.
• assembly list for production,
• Computer aided inspection,
• robotics planning,
• scheduling.
Tool and Fixture Design is a stage that creatcs all the nccessary eąuipment to producc a designed product. The tool and the fixture design depend of the amount of the parts being produced.
NC Part Programming is planning the process for the portions of the job to be accomplished by the NC. Usually the part programmer is responsible for planning the machinę steps to be performed by NC. There are two common ways to program for NC, manually and Computer assisted. The available CNC machines can be programmed either interactively by the human operator or could be Computer generated.
CNC production reąuires the ordering of the raw woik parts, specifying and preparing the tooling and any spccial fixturing that may be required and setting up the machinę for the job. The CNC machinę then takes it over and machines the part accordingly.
Manufacturing Planning and Control includes the preparation of schedules, reąuirement shortage lists, inventory lists and similar documents. The principal fiinctions involved in discrete manufacturing are:
• demand forecasting,
• capacity reąuirements planning,
• aggregatc production planning.
• materiał reąuirements planning,
• materiał procurcment.
• finitc capacity scheduling and production linę balancing.
• statistical process and ąuality control,
• inventory management
Simulation can be particularly useful in evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of any one of the production planning functions as well as looking at a unified production planning and control scenario.