NajlepszeŢmotywatory (76)

NajlepszeŢmotywatory (76)


An American mothcr went lo a MocDonaWt with ber two childron ago 6 and 8 Shc ordo red two Happy MoaĹ‚s with chicken for tho childron ond a 1x3mburger with friot for herteĹ‚f

Whilo thoy woro oating tho 6*year old wat moro inĹ‚orettcd in the tlide ocrott tho itreet then in tho chickon nuggott which ho dtdn'1 ovon touch So tho motbor docided sbe would oat them Sho wot in for quito a turpmo Whifhout actually woĹ‚ching what tho wat doing tho wat bringing o chickon nugget lo hor mouth, jwt whon hor 8-ycor old ton yollod not to oat it So tho tooked at tho nuggot to find that - ditpiio tho crutt. it lookcd jutt Irko a c hic kon t hood. In foct it actually wat o chickon't hood Nobody knowt how it gol thoro.

Tho ma nogo r offerod thom thoir moal for freo and two moro wecks of freo moalt But it wot no uto Tho motbor prottod charge*, and domandod 100000 dollart compentotion

* *

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www .dem otywato ry. p I


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