
phenomenon ot Oprah Winfrey and her talk show

internet godz. 40-43

Unit 8


people dancing in llie Street.; He was looking at the pictures. painted by Ihe most fiunous artists.)

understaning words from the comcxt,

setected ranks in the types of fights. soldicrs.

W: writing a for and

R: war and conflicts in British/Amcrican

Computer games e.g. types

internet godz. 44

Units 7-8 1 godz

Progress check

self-assessment test - Units 7-8

nauczyciel godz 45 i 46

2 godz

ćwiczenia komunikacyjne -dialogi, symulacje, drama, role-

Progress test

internet godz. 47-50

Unit 9 4 godz


Determinters: articles

academic lecture on throughout Ihe ages.

tools and materials.

R: the futurę of our W: writing a summary

asking additional questions and commcnting on the incoming Information

R: American and British landmarks e.g. Slonchcngc

the pronunciation of German words in



Unit 10 4 godz


Detcrminers: quantifiers

getting married in different rcligions

R: religious symbols in different culturcs

of a religious ritual/ceremony

showing interest

R: The Anglican church -

tonguc twistera

FTP scrvices

internet godz. 55



Progress check

self-assessment test - Units 9-10


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