J. Dairy Scl. 90:38-46
■& American Dairy Science Associaton. 2007
G. Konuspayeva/t B. Faye.f1 G. Loiseau.f and D. Levieux$
Ka/Akh SłAln Univcfsity Al P.VAbi. /I av Al FamŁi. 0b0013 AJmnty KA/aKhsIiin fCcntio do Ccopcrabon Inter rotKtfvil on Rochorcho Agranofriquc paix b DevdoppemDnł.
C.vrpur. nlccnalicn.il do Baitarguot TA 3DA. 343‘Hł Mcnlpolior ccdcx Frarco
$ln*Utu? National ifc la Rccłmrcl-c Agfcncnique. OuatCó de-s Ptoduite Anrruuw-łnimurochniio. rh*sx
63122 SaiM*Ge*ne«ChaTrpanelb. franco
Lactoferrin (Lf) and IgG were estimated in camels milk from Kazakhstan, where2 species of camels (Córo-elu$ boctrianus, Camelus dromedarius) and their hybrids cohabiL The concentrataons of Lf and IgG were determined according to 3 variation factors: region«u = 4), season (n = A), and species <n = 5; sample A was mixed milk and sample :> was of unknown origin). The mean values in raw camels milk were 0.229 : 0.135 mg/inL for Lf concentration and 0.718 ± 0.330 ing/mL for IgG concentration. The seasonal effect was the only significant yariation factor observed, with the highest yalues in the spring for Lf and in the winter for IgG. The Lf concentration vaned in 1-wk postpartum milk from 1.422 to 0.586 mg/mL. The rangę in IgG concentra-tion was widc and dccroascd frum 132 to 4.75 mg/niL Ihroughout the 7 d postpartum, with an important drop affer parturition. In fcrtnented milk, the lactoprotcins arc generally hydrolyzed. For milk s&mples from unde* fintd species, discriminnnt annlyscs did not nilów the origin of the species to be determined. A slight correla-taon between Lf and IgG concentration?. was observed in raw milk The values were slightly higher than those reported in oows milk, but Chi* difFerence was insuffi-cient to attribute medicinal virtue* to camels milk. Key word« lactoferrin, imiminoglobulin, camels milk, colostrom
The current camel population in Kazakhstan is around 130,000 head (Statistical Agency of the Repub-lic of Kazakhstan. 2006>. Tliis country is woli known for the cohabitation of 2 species of camels i Camelus bactnanus and Camelus dromedarius) aud their hybrids. Within the Kazakh Bactrian breed, 3 typcs havo
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'<\*rr» *|»•mim;' Miitlii>r: T» l>een described according to their geogrnphic dis tri bu -tinn: uralobukeecskti, kyzylordinskii, and yuzhnokazak-hstanskii iTerenytev. 1975: Konuspayeva and Faye. 2004). For the Dromedary caniel. only the Arvana breed. which origmated from Turkmenistan. i& present in Kazakhstan. Different levels of hybridation haveoc-curred. resultmg in a wide rangę of crossbreeds »Tere-nytev, 1975).
The consumptiou of camels milk, esperially in fer-mcntcd form, is a very old tradition in Kazakhstan. Many beneficial properties arc attributed to camels milk and to a fermcntcd product called shubał. It is tradilionally used for the trcatment of tuberculosis, gastroenteritis, and for many infections. and is also drunk as a tonie (Sharmanov and Dzhangabylov, 1991). These antimicrobial properties of camels milk and skubał can be attributed to sub&tanoes such as proteina, lipid*, and vitamin$ (Elagamyetal., 1992; Farah, 1993; FJagamy, 2000; Benkerroum et al., 2004; Konuspayeva et al.. 2004) Among the milk proteins, lactoferrin (Lf), IgG, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and some peptides are the maiu eomponents that have been implicated «Bar-bour et al., 1984; Dtihaiman, 1988). Howrever, the quan-tity of tliose components and their overall variability in camels milk are not well documentfd. In the present study, we determined the Lf and IgG contents in raw and fennented camels milk from C. bactrianus, C. dromedarius, and their hybnds under different seasonal and geographic conditions.
Toobtnin the marimumyariability, the camels milk was sampled from 4 different region* at extreme pointa of Kazakhstan; Almaty, Atyrau, Aralsk, and Shymkent (the niaximum distance between the different points was morę than 3,500 km) and in 4 seasons of the year. In total, 128 samples were used for quantitative and qualitative determination of the Lf and IgG contents in camefs milk (Table 1). Those samples. collected ran-