Spanish: Beyond the Basia was designed by the experts at Living Language to build the laiiguage skiUs that really matter—vocabulaiy, structure, culture, and natural-sounding conversation. If you’ve mastered tlie basics in any class or with any self-study program, then this course is a fantastic way to take your Spanish to the next level. Spanish: Beyond Ute Basia includes:
• Realistic dialogues on topics that you need for fluency
• Language and culture notes that add depth to your studies
• Plenty ofpracdce to help fine-tune your accent
• Comprchensiye grammar explanations with exercises
• A complete grammar summary and verb reference
• Sections on lctter writing, e-mail, and Internet resources for learners of Spanish
Although this book stands on its own as an instructional program and invaluable reference, you’11 fmd that it’s most eflective when used with the four hours of recordings included in the Living Language* Spanish: Beyond the Basia compact disc package.
Living Language, A Kancloiu Mouse Company, New York. New York © 2005 by Living Language
$8.95 (Canatla: $12.95)
ISBN 1 -4000-2 1 ó 1 -8
Covcr photogrupli by AnnÄ™ Rippy/ Tbe Image Bank/Getty Imagcs Cover design by Sopliic Yc Chin