Speaking zwroty

Speaking zwroty

Fuli A^reeMeAt

TbAt MAke# it*it.

YouYe Ab#olutely rijbt.

Yti, I would A4ru with tl


I MA wbAt you're lAylAJ, but ... | A(jrcc witb you up to A poi At, but

Mt* dilA^reeMAAt

Wc.ll, of cour#e, it Ali depeAd*.

IV Aot AUTA I A4PAA witb tbAt. |Ve Jot MIKAd    About tbAt

KeAlly? bo you xbiAk #©? DoaH you tbiAk tbAt ... v


^iMpl6 di^A^recMC.At

I doi\'t tbiAk tbetV trwa. | dilAAPAA witb you About . "TłlAT V Aot boW I it £ it.



^t^lAAlAA tbe MAiA topie

Ri^bt, let'# <jet dowA to bu#iAe##.

Wby doAvt I ^ive you AA id£A of ...?

Pd likA to £tAT*t by ... C-ifuj-)

Movi*4 Ftom poi At to poi At

śo tbAtV decided, tbeA. .śbAll we MOV£ OA? OkAy, łetV 40 OA to tba AAXt poi At.

CbAA^i a^ tba focw£

Tbere i i AAotber wAy of lookiA^ At tbi#. RerbAp# we #bould aI#o coA#ider ...

Re. tur a i a^

QoiAJ bACk to wbAt I / you {Aid eArłier ... Let Me bAck up. CAmE").


Could I ju#t iAterrupt for a MOMeAt? E>loCki a^

I tbiAk weVe lofiAJ #iijbt of tbe MAiA poiAt. śorry, if I caa ju#t fiAi^b, I wa# #AyiA^ tbAt ..

K>UyiA^ tiMe

ItV a difficult i##ue.

Hi hAve to tbiAk About it.

Could I ^et bACk to you OA tbAt?

Wby doAxt we cowe bAck to tbAt lAter

I Pd be iAtere^ted to kAow *oMetbiAJ About ... Could you tell Me a tittle Morę About ...? Could you be a little Morę #peoftc?

WbAt CexActły} do you mAAA by ...?

WbAt #ort of price were you tbiAkiAd of?

Wa# tbAt tbe ki Ad of tbiA^ you bAd i a mi Ad?

For repetitioA

Could you qo over tbAt a^aia, pleA#e?

CbeckiA^ by    your owa wordf

śo, if I UAder$tAAd you correctly, ... śo bA#iCAtly wbAt youxre #AyiA^ ii ...

Check-iA^ tbe otber per#c>AV u*d er $ tAisd i

Doe# tbAt AA$wer your ^ue#tioA? boti tbAt MAke #eA*e?

Re^pOAd i a^

Vti, exActly.

Vti, tbAt'# ri^bt.

Not CKACtly.

Weil, let Me put it AAotber wAy.

No, tbetV Aot wbet I MeAAt.

No, wbet Pm tryiA^ to #Ay i# ■



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