Jak zrobić księżyc sy Crescent Moon Tutorial PS by Rach Resources ANG

Jak zrobić księżyc sy Crescent Moon Tutorial PS by Rach Resources ANG

In this example, we'// make it skinny.


Y ) rtaffamy.com ^Photoshop cJutoriaf 3evef: ‘Kasy

This so easy, you’ll amaze yourself. Start with this shape in Photoshop.

Ifyou dorit understand shapes, read the help contents or Online tutorials for basie “how-to's". They are easy to find.

Using the “Elliptical Marguee” tool, cut out however much of the moon you want, or leave it as it was.

Delete the extra layer madę.

Lock the new moon layer so you won’t paint off the edges.


Repeat the painting

process on the

inside of the moon edges.

It already has depth and looks like a moon. You could stop here, ifyou want a plain one. Easy!! And all done with a mouse. :)

But to give it a little morę interest, Get this scatter brush | or one similar.


13Set on Burn (midtones) at40% strength. Over over moon a couple of times, paying morę attention to the edges.

Now switch to dodge tool | at 15% strength.

Use any scatter brush.

Go overthe inside of the moon 1 or 2 times.

Use dark color again on brush, paint out edges some morę to give it morę depth.

Wasn’t that easy?

Try using variations of brushes and colors to make your moon unique.

This one is simple, but you can make yours very special!

Ifyou want your moon bigger/thicker, simply cut off less or nonę at all. :)

Havefun! Rachael


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