Test Konstrukcje there is are

Test Konstrukcje there is are

Test 13 Konstrukcje There is/It is

Wybierz prawidłowe wyrażenie uzupełniające zdanie.

0    l/tj/ There was very kind of you to help him.

1    It / There won't be enough time to change.

2    There isn't / aren’t any biscuits left.

3    It / There was very sunny here yesterday.

4    There is / are too much violence in the media.

5    What day is it / there tomorrow?

6    It / There is a good film on Channel 4 tonight.

7    How many people was / were there watching the match?

8    l'm afraid it / there is very far from the sea.

Q Znajdź i popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach. Przepisz całe zdania poprawnie.

0    Trre-es 7.-. ćt. :z •= e ,en already.

rzsz.-.f-r_ t: r f ■ f- 3,rgądy.

1    Heip! tsabair. -t~ewater.

2 Hov. mar. sze r /ourclass?

3 You dor.: "eez :: e .our coat, theres very warm toća..

4 There has bee- se e^al accidents on this road recently.

5 lt's a car outsice t~e enema. Its a Peugeot.

Uzupełnij tekst wyrażeniami z there lub it + be w odpowiedniej formie i czasie.


0 Its the twenty eighth of December today and Christmas is over.1






always such a wonderful time of the year

although 2_so much

to do - cleaning, cooking and shopping for

food and presents.3_

very easy to forget that what counts is the true spirit of Christmas and not all the preparations. The weather on Christmas day was really good this year.

4 _cold but sunny and

5 _only a few clouds

in the sky. After breakfast we went for

a long walk and when we came back

6 _a meal waiting for

us.1 2_delicious! My

mother had spent two days preparing all the dishes. She always worries that

8 _enough food for

everybody and cooks too much. This year

9 _ten of us altogether

but she cooked for at least twenty. My father jokes that10_

a good idea to tell Mum that only half of the guests were coming!



# Przetłumacz podane fragmenty zdań na język angielski używając there lub it + be w odpowiedniej formie i czasie.

0    it was (Było) nice to meet you, Mrs Perkins.

1    _(Czy będzie) enough time to

answer all the questions?

2    I love your brown jumper._

(Czy on jest) new?

3    How far_(było) from the

station to your hotel?

4    How many_(ludzi było) at the

concert last Sunday?

5    _(Czy jest) a bus stop near

your fiat?

6    They say_(będzie) very windy


7    l'm afraid_(jest) six spelling

mistakes in your CV.

8 What datę

(jest) today?


_(Było) very hard to get up at

6 a.m. after the weekend.


_(Czy jest) anything I can do

for you, Mr jones?




Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego. Poziom podstawowy. Książka nauczyciela © Pearson Central Europę Sp. z o. o. 2011



It was dark anc iate and : ,*.as nobody I could stop


and ask for directions.


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