Hollow-stemmed flowers such as gerbera daisies. daffodlls and tulips will Hop ovcr quickly if the stems are not relnforced. Here’s a ftorisfs trick for kecplng these flowers standlng tali.
frwctt the ond of * chcnllle Mcm or fioral pkk inio the base of the stem. Try to kcep the IkMCrS Mcm straight wich one h»yf jod skmfy insert the chenille Mcm ot flofjl pkk with the ołhct You wJl not abv.rys be abio to Insert the chen. lc Mcm ot floro! pkk ol the w.iy up tlić stem. Insert ony untll you feel resktance. Gotag up the Mcm cveo a thitd o# the way win help Mrcngthcn the «cm and kcep It from premati^cty wilting.
Many typcs of flowers and foliagc arc very thorny, including roses. sprengeri and plumosa. Here‘s how to strip the stems of their thoms safely and quickly.
To rcmosc thoms ary) clean Mcms Wfcty. k k he'<iful to wear garden gknes. Kok) the folbge or rosę wSh one hand. Wth the other hir>d. grab the «em wherc you want to bogiń stripping Ihc fotage and thoms and puli downward on the stem bghtty.
For best rcsults. cut flower stems at a slant whlte they arc in water. For flowers such as roses and carnations. cut the stem abovc or below the noticcable nodutes along the stems. Thls will allow water to easily reach the flower head. It will also help the flowcr to open fully.
To keep your flowers looking good all day, hotd the stems and dip the flower heads in a glue mixture of approyimnlcly one tablespoon of craft glue and one cup of water. Let dry for five mlnutes.
iiask: tr.r.iiMoi 1.1