BAtK |N PIL DaKK Autś Ul Motorcycling. before trust-worlhy clcclrics and oil-tight engincs. w hen British machino dominated bolh race rc-vpttł and sale* cham. a 500cc four-stroke Single was considcred ihc bikc of a truć enthusiast. These " Thump-ers" or "Big Lungert" from VcloceUe. BSA. Ariel. Matchlcss. AJS and others had booming cshaust nuto (hal enhaneed the nding cx-pcrscncc and bcckoncd listencn lo parikijciic.
Of coursc. deciric Marten and reli-ability hcing in short supply on biko of the l9J0ł. coasing tlicie brulev inio lifc. and then kccping them run-ningforany length nf linie.oficn was .1 frustraiingcsperiencc. Still. cven as Tainsand then Fours took ovcr. the allurc of the simplc. singlc-cylindcf rnotoccsclc endured Honda iried to capitnlt/e on ihat allurc in 1989 with its GBStKI. a spoke-wlicelcd. low-hnrrcd single-dealer miniickcd the look of the clawie British Sm»lcs Bul the GB camc esjuippcd with the features ihat ha»e madę Japanese molorcycles so appealing. dependability. clectric itartine. eood hrakes. sclsct-imooth Controls, fail-safe clectrics
We likcd the GB a lot. Il t, lieht. handlcd dcftly and lookcd good. But therc uerc drawhacksasyiciated with the GB. in spite of its single-cylinder sophistication It was expcnsivc. and. «hdc a model of civilj|y, its engine-m trrmsof power output and sound— just ssAiift ser\ esciting Honda ad-dressed the pricc problem by lowcr-ing the GB’‘ stickcr by $500 to S569R for I99tt and the aftonnatkcl bas come to the resctic in regards to the enemę'' dclicicncics.
Whilc Br«*s.. a 15-ycar-olJ com-pjny run hs psin broihets Uan and łom Whitel ts »ell know n for its linę o! dirtbike accewries. but lias alw* bcvn selling streetbike cipnpmeni sincc 1982 Adding a dosc of cxcttc-ntcni lo the GB500 «as easy for the compans bccause of its familiurity ssith olf-road Honda four-stnikcs "Woe been buildinc XR engincs for \“ said Dan Wnlle. "TheGB engine is basścally the same as thosc uied in XRv. so »c alrcady had the