World Map rth's Dynamic Crust (1985)

World Map rth's Dynamic Crust (1985)




AtOmlam*** fa*«


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Producrdty Iht Ctrtofriphtc Dtriiiwi

National Geographic Society




A \ EXPRISStVE FACE. Earlh'* auriuc*

/\ comtandy rpjrrdngn rtvrU—at t In-/“% mdy po er bul 0*1 J Rloba! w*!*. A v intt-nul hedl wckmg «t> cscape aria conlinmlt aml ocean Floora in moUon. The rraultiri); cartlufiukt-* and break the cruyl tnło * palchwoek ti( riBsd pŁite* (oidin map) ihal rnle on (he diurn-mg. v«acou» mamle below.

The conlincnl*. maile of Ughtwelghl gra-nmc rock, traw) w«h Ihe hcawer. mr moving Kisallu: aealloor. The pialcs. madę uf twrtli ma tri tal*, daj* av*ay (roni ildgca (boki red Iinesl, whrre n«ng heal and magnu eacape. The płatew Ihen tuik Into Irenches (tpiWd blue llnea)

Kart li'* landmAWra have Ihus glid-«d and ctwhled over ihe face of Ihe gkibe for eon* (Intel map* above) aome geo-phywictttw itunk thiw movemem may go oaćk aa lar a* lour buluin yean W hal will Ihe futurę hokf? Prrhapt a aouthrm Cali-lornu grafted o*ilti Alawkj tir a new cotlli-nenl in ihe Pacific a» oFIshore tnrnchr* lii) wilh aeamounlw. Whalwer il» eupmsiun, a whołe new face awaita dynamie Earth


KISI NS. Ihrongh nl*» la Ih* trud, drnv* magma Irom Faith * iadaria* craatr* naw auftaca al Ih* Mid-Ocran Raigr. a ruggrd undttwaa mauaCain inagr dnrlthlng Tł.MÓ kifaoutm Iło.OO) milni Ihr in|*tt*oaa widra th* arallotif a* much na 22 cnniimnirr* t» inchaa) a y*n». n mir 'hal coutd kat* formrd Ih* ?^00-kilom*l*>-wid* Allanlic in ordy TO millioo yrara ind*od of Ih* ItS millUHi il ha* alraady Ukra TW prom* h nul coatlaM. Ih* ndgr rtwll » largrły tompoaed ol ahari **gmrMa. rach ralrating Inrgulai burd* ot magma. WWia IW fidg* >un* inlo Ihr northrm *nd ol IW Eaal Alrtcaa Rin Srrim. th* >p*aading atlion ia opoiing a n*w ocean. Mllluma ol yraia Irom no**, *a*ł»ra Afnca nuy Jńli mil ialo Ih* Indian Otaaa aa a n*w eonlina-ai.


COL1IDIM. **ith lii* olgr ol a toni Mml. otd.

tolJ. hta.y araFItu* divr* Wek Into iht loterie* ol IW Faflh and lortnt on cwin Im* S«t-luu 0(1 d**p-t**e*d ridk^tikn. Om pluoging •lii al*o KfBnUn hut Ihil orli* ihrtrogh IW uirfWing piał*. aOowmg lingrta ol aaagau to rht. TWat fingara lor* i Saint ol aoltanoe* lkV« INtn* ol IW Mm et ialand arca aut h aa ih* Alna-lun and Ihr AnliU*». Tht tnatriding tonlinmt il>o tomprrtar* nttt IW WKli, lifting moon-lilM Th* iIMnuliM ot taran crud~Mwh*i* oKtf than SMoilIlion taara-balantra naałion ol ih* fidga. SuhductMMi tan rho tlrrlth and Iti.n Ih* ov*rly»ng fdat* Whlnd IW iow et yotcano**. al iewing magma M* and forming a iwa whar* M« trud and naounłoina ar* tfaalrd


IN MII C.Rr.ATr.M awjalalomaklnii pcecra.

on 1'arth. Ih* Indian •ubtontlnmt non inio luraau, craaringlW łlimalaya*- Since bcah conti-n*n!» a*r *oo llghl I* aubdoct. Ih* o»d*r. h*a*t*f Indian mata wnlnit und*r I oratia aod ibrudt up Ih* high pialraua and naoitr Mtt ol IW •mu Ula rang* India. on<* lai aoolh ot Ih* Iguatc-f. nuitłd notth ta ooły .W aiiilion ywa i tperdy »I(| by Ih* grolocK deck- TW •ubfonlla*M ton-tlnun lo undrnhncd Ania. arctlng ot I fiaoutnt and *om*lia**i Jnattiliag r*rthquak*a. * aai* «0 million itan ago Ih* tollwiont forming Ih* aupercontlarnt Pangar* finaal oup«l began lo lana Ih* F.ceO-kCemrtrr-loeg Antalathlan and (alrdnnian rangra at Ih* AtUnlK OtaaaC* prrdr-ceaw daaappaand.


GKINtllM. pad rath othar la lita and darta.

tW plalaa Irat* grad np«, Of liuln. m tWir |oumry Stratn builda up alcn* "lockrd" piała ij|n. ih* dim tan W rrlraard gradually by llouuntt ol liny aaitkmaln ot untraaWd' la a •inglr diutfiou* foli ram ol Caiiforau aVmg IW San Andrrat Fauli lurthfd northuatd a« muth a* •!• mrtara OD lertl denna Eh* ]«h San tranrńco -ptaka. Soch tmmforro (auli. aho link a*gm*oi* of aparaJIng tanim tlhfch Maik Uarai a* larth'* rigld •kin ad jud. lo antanl. Th*** highly atln* laull nem** (0*m hugr tanyona tlrating Ih* wafko-M Aa Ih* plam mtnr t-aa-ward. Ih* drap taaaunt auraiaa aa atai». ta ftat-luf* ram Itlun blach lin**), ullan Ihouaiada ot kiletnaten long


StAMOCNth and ul het thunk. ol trual knottn a* Imanr* pil* *P *1 UmtWa aa Ih* fneaing **af1oof talia lh»m towafd IW rłllllp. pin*a and olh*t ialand arca TW Irrianta lua* M Ih* omliug plalr In farring coUhiom. Thh al-trrlion ptocca* to*id wrtd part ot IW wnlrtn Pa-tifit lo Aaia Of Aurttalia oi »v*n lortn a o*n ccotintnl. SIoal ttiaWial* ogra* Out **«y tonli-nanl ha* pmn ouWacd h atttalad laaranr* AlaaAa and inod ot nawattn Siollh Atwaiwa orfa loaanad. palth by patek, otai a tpan ol    młlttaa

taafa. wilh part* totning Irom *ooth ot CW I t|ua-lof lt*a fraraw *id* ol aup> Tha wraawlung lott** oF Om* MMlI-Kal* piał* collUlon* otl«n ftagmmi Ih* t*nia«*. diapaning iWir piftf* In uary-^ulll faahion


BI KNINC. Ihrough Ih* tfoal lik* Mad* Innu a llaamhrow*f. magnu llocda lo IW turlać* lo bolid maatita aa*amblvlma v«(canora lik* ih* llanailan Ialand*. Tall*d mountiM. In Ih* woild, ihr ialand* lit* a.KU muk (10.700 la*i i In tW *urlaca and aa muth a* ł.200 m«t*ia morr aboa* Ih* a*a. A lulu** lian altan ialand. lolhl. ia diii a traiMunl «M m*i*i* dtmn \umaiuu* •Utah *4 **łanda and wnatounlt maik iW pnth uF Ih* płata* w*«t l»a nputa—*ath diand trat a* Ih* plal*a chaagrd dliatlion O mlllnon *»an agp. lt*Und ha. loimrd wHhin iW pad » mlllmo yraia at a magma plum* pump* up a *c*uungł> «ndlr» *uppiy ot rock. V*llcn.alon*'* gry**t* and mod pet* mark Nealh Am*r*ta * currrol po*i-lion otaf a hot *pol


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