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worrkbook 3 page

Hard Times

1 Match the words to their opposites.

Column A

Column B

1 useful

A miserable

2 full-time

B active

3 happy

C useless

4 negative

D part-time

5 lazy

E positive

2 Fili in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once.

1    Susan....................(go) to

the hairdresser’s tomor-row. She’s already madę an appointment.

2    l’m very tired. I think I


to bed.

3    There are da clouds in the sky.

4 Fili in the gaps with will or be going to.

to join, child-minding, positive, to take, fatty, summer, to attend, present, to set, to fail




6 .....



.......a meeting

7 ......

..................a gym



8 a...





9 ......

..............an exam




10 ......

... the alarm clock

3 Underline the correct word.

4    I expect he...................(agree) with our suggestions.

5    A: “There is a coffee stain on the carpet.”

B: “I know. I............................(clean) it with a special


6    l’m afraid the children................................(not/enjoy)

this party.

5 Fili in the gaps with if or unless.

1    Don’t miss/lose the new television series that begins at 10 o’clock this evening.

2    Jackie had to retire/resign from her position so that she could take care of her baby.

3    My father has twenty employers/employees work-ing for him in his supermarket.

4    I couldn’t believe that he shouted at her. His behaviour/attitude was quite rude.

5    Jason is a great athlete; I think he will win/earn the race easily.

6    What is the correct accent/pronunciation of the word “tomato”?

1    ...................you finish your homework, you can’t go

to the cinema tonight.

2    ...................it’s a warm, sunny day tomorrow, we will

go to the beach.

3    She won’t buy a CD-player ...................... she has

enough money.

4 The baby won’t ery...................it is hungry.

5 He will go to university............he passes the exams.

6    ...................you don’t wake up early, you’ll miss the


7    He will be promoted...................he works hard.

8    .................you come with me, I won't go to the party.

will is used:

•    for on-the-spot decisions e.g. Tli have a cup of coffee, please.

   to express the speaker’s hopes, fears, threats, offers, promises, etc with the verbs expect, hope, think, believe, Tm sure/afraid, etc. e.g. I hope he’ll come.

   with actions that may (not) happen in the futurę e.g. She’ll probably buy a new car.

be going to is used:

•    for planned actions or intentions e.g. I’m going to cali the plumber tomorrow.

•    when there is evidence that sth is going to happen e.g. The wind is blowing wildly. That tree is going to fali down.

Present Continuous is used for fixed arrangements

in the near futurę, e.g. Tm flying to Milan tomorrow.

• We do not use futurę tenses after: when (time con-junction), while, before, until, by the time, if (condi-tional), as soon as, after, etc. e.g.When you see her, tell her to cali me.

but: When used as a question word and if mean-ing whether it can be used with futurę forms. e.g. When will you be back from your trip?





Put the verbs in brackets into the Futurę Simple or Present Simple.

They...........................(check) the

dates before they..........

(send) the invitations.

As soon as we.................

(finish) dinner, I.............

.................(serve) some


I .................... (go) for a

walk after I .....................

(prepare) dinner.


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