56418 stronaY (3)

56418 stronaY (3)

6 a Complete the questions from the interview with did or a question word. Then match the question to the answers. Check your answers in the tapescript on page 154.

1    _you get the money?

2    _did you go then?

3    _you have any

money with you?

4    So_did you do?

a No, I didn’t, not then. b Yes, I did. c I wanted to go to the Internet cafe ... d I asked the old man for directions to the police station.

b Write questions for the sentences in Ex. 2b. Use these question words.

What time? How many? Where? Who?



a GEB Listen. Follow the directions on the map. Write the letters of these places.

post office_ bookshop_ police station_




Beech Road



River Lane


super | market ^


b Listen again and complete the expressions in the How to box. (You can check in the tapescript on page 155.)

What time did Robin disappear?

7    a What happened to Robin? Tell your partner your story and decide which ending you like best.

Student A: look at page 126. Student B: look at page 129.

b GEB Listen. Which story is correct?

Person to person

8    Ask and answer. Find out what your partner did...

ask for and give directions

Can you tell me the way to the bank? (Excuse me,) do you know the way to

Ask for directions

Give directions

Tum left at the_.

Turn_Beech Road.

Go straight on for about_.

Go along_. It’s on the left/right.

It’s at the end of_.

yesterday last night last weekend on their last holiday

10 Work in pairs. Use the map. Ask for and give directions. from    to

the bank    the    bridge

the police station    the    bus station

the library    the    cinema

the hospital    the    art gallery

You can ask only ten yes/no questions.

A: Did you watch TV last night?

B: No,ldidn’t.

11 Write two or three sentences to answer your friend’s question.

m ś a a ©


Can you email me directions from the station or bus stop to your house? Thanks, and see you on Saturday.



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