Complete the telephone corwersation with the phrases in the box.
Could I spcak tu Hołd on a moment, plea.se I’m afraid Who’s speaking Would you liketo leavea message_
Recept ionist: Bob:
Recept ionist: Bob:
Recept ionist: Bob:
Recept ionist: Bob:
Recept ionist: Bob:
Good morning. Colman Media.
Oh. good morning. (1)__
It’s Bob Fowler.
Stacey Iliii, please?
. PU try to put you through.... ilello? Mr Fowler? Ms Hi 11 isn’t answering ber pilone.
That's strange. \Ve're having a meeting at 10 o’clock. (5)________ ?
Yes, could you tell her I’m going to be about lialfan liour late. The trafTic Ls terrible tliLs morning.
Pronunciation (Words ending in tion)
Listen and underline the number of syllables in each word. (3,4 or 5 syllables)
atsolution bklemonstration cleducation dklestruction e)organLsation
9 Listen to the interview with John Mullin and underline the correct information.
a) The conference Ls about world leaders / climatc change.
b) The Prime Minister / John Mullin Ls flying to Japan tomorrow.
c) John Mullin thinks the government should spend morę money on puhlic transport / motorways.
d) A group of protesters is going to demonstratę in Tokyo / Downing Street.
e) John Mullin wants everyone to support take the hus /drive to work. Reading Reading
10 Read the text and answer the questions.
a) Wliat kind of people is Eco Travel International looking for?
b) IIow many countries have Eco Travel International worked in?
c) W ho has planted trees in the forest?
d) Where will the volunteers live in Costa Rica?
e) Wliat projects will the volunteers do in Costa Rica?
Eco Travel International is an organization that offers adventurous travel for people of all ages who really care about the environment. Ourvolunteers help the environment and get a chance to lrve and work in a new culture.
Over the last ten years morę than 10,000 people have worked with Eco Travel International on environmental projects in morę than 20 countries. Our volunteers have worked on 23 water projects to give clean water to thousands of people, planted trees in forests, cleaned up litter in natural parks and on beaches, and built eco-friendly facilities for scientists and tourists.
We are currentfy looking for volunteers to come to the beautiful National Parks of Costa Rica. You will live and work with local people, planting trees and helping animals and plant life in the forest. If you want to help local people, learn about other cultures and really care about the environment, then appty today.
ivww.ecotravelinternational.oro a little change can change a bt