1 Read the e-mail and put the events in the correct order.

2    Underline the colloquial expressions in the e-mail that mean the same as the phrases below.

1    a lot of

2    I think

3    Do you want to ...

4    How are you?

5    Look after yourself.

6    What are you doing?

3    Read the writing tip below. How does (essica start and finish her e-mail?

Pisząc prywatny e-mail, nie musisz zaczynać od Dear.... możesz napisać Hi lub po prostu imię osoby, do której piszesz.

W e-mailu możesz używać języka potocznego.

Na końcu możesz napisać See you soon, See you laler

k Imagine you witnessed a crime. Make notes answering the questions:

•    What was the crime?

•    Who were the criminals?

•    What did they do?

•    Who was the victim?

•    What happened?

•    Did the police catch the criminals? If so, how?

5 Write an e-mail of 120-150 words to a friend describing what you saw, using your notes from exercise 4. Use the plan to help you.

Paragraph 1

•    Introduction How are...?

•    Saywhereyou’vejustbeen.

You'll never guess what I saw...

Paragraph 2

•    Say what you saw. Use your notes from exercise 4. Paragraph 3

•    Suggest a meeting. Ask what your friend is doing this evening/tomorrow.

•    Suggest doing somethingtogether.

•    Sign off.

Take care and see you soon,


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