Past simple

1    Write the past simple form ofthe regularverbs. -* 2.1, 2.2

1    compete ___

2    finish ___

3    chat __

A cheer __

5    miss ___

6    carry ___

7    hate _

8    stop _

2    Complete the sentences with the past simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. Some are regular and some are irregular. -» 2.1, 2.2. 2.3

1    (know) all the answers to the quiz.

2    My sister^<3C*7 (win) the tournament.

3    Our team}&?yŁ^(score) a goal in the first hatf.

A I Lj.&E^Ulike) that film.

5    We (iii fleave) home in the moming.

6    You t^sM^Ateach) me how to play chess.

7    They ćSę£C£*t(enjoy) watching the match last night.

8    ^^(prefer) going to primary school.

3    Make the sentences in exercise 2 negative. ■» 2.A

4    Complete the dialogue with past simple questions and short answers. -* 2.A

|ake What'___(you / do) last night?

Sue I went to the cinema.

lakę What2_(you / see)?

Sue The new Matt Damon film.

|ake 3_(you / enjoy) it?

Sue Yes,4__ It was great.

|ake 5    (your sister / go) with you?

Sue No.6__

5    Complete the text messages with was, wasn’t, were and weren’t. -» 2.5

Past simple and past continuous

6 Complete the text with the past continuous form of the v in brackets. -» 2.7. 2.8

At 9.30 p.m., we arrived at Mike's party. Mikę1__"'■!

(stand) in the kitchen. He 2__ (eat) a pizza. We said

hello, but he3_____ (not listen). Sue and Callum4

(dance) in the hall. Maria5____(sit) on the stairs. She

‘_ (hołd) her head in her hands. Her shoulders

7____(shake) but she8__(not ery). She ’___


7 Complete the dialogue with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. -* 2.7

What1_(you / do) at 8 o’dock

yesterday evening?

12__ (watch) 7V?

Really? What \___(you / watch)?

A film.

What was it called?

Er... I can't remember. I *_(not p;


I see. And why is your jacket wet?

I5_ (wear) it this morning when I w

But it6    _ (not rain) this moming!











Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. -» 2.6. 2.8 \


8 Maria_(surf) when she_(see) a sharkn

the beach.

Grammar Buitder • Unit 2


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