'• »- k*l" on h, „-ly, k„,„ wtv., „«
7 Af «wr dmr D«ni« «nd H*Uł.*a r^L. _. _ .
u \/?i,11 /,ir I® know tum to get rtnind the bont
l r ,r tv'"',utuif vinmbv*. Im Jjmiłfd \t I m jomRUnun
jh«iul lor himł *
IO 144,01 01 y°U arr crU*tst»g Dcn.s in »łm rathet n**ty v*ay Why>
I I l hjrlrv why J.» y»ui Mmi on Inirm^piing **hilc I n \peaktngtn yout lalhcf Why Jo you rr/uv ro w«H Uli l*ve OnUhed?
I 2 t harle* reJu.seJ to .tdrmt hc \s as \n the wrong. Alihtm^h he’\ 4 nkc boy. br
ran bc vcry Muhhorn
II I cjn w lhj| your ut usualty ttes jibout doing nothtng lot twnt oC »h< day likc oum Wuj it morc actlvć at one time ?
14 Oh ycs, ar one ttme ihc tru* lar morc activc You should havc wen her ai *
killcn. when she neirr kepi \uU lot jn Instant But Ukc cscrythingclse. cats tnstst ongrowtng up. doni they?
baskets There was a Utnę when thit pienie sile tooked <]utic udy. but nov» it's .1 dUgrace.
tn the o!J Jays there u urn t anythtng herc at all cxccpt a clearing in tbr forest whcrc a fcw pcoplc war tn the habit of coming (ot thi* wondertu vicw nl the mountains
I 7 l\ hen I told c hrittinc i hal Robert had put on a lot of wcight just hcforc the Man nl ihc football scason. she replled: ’Thdt‘i)ust hic Robert’ Although fu* pretends to be the healthy sporting typc hc s actually much morc (ond uf his food than the rest of us *
18 I agreed Robert s one uf thosc plcaunt. gcmal pcoplc who habitually s»ts m cafes for hours and hours laughingand joking. and gcttinglattcr and f.ittcr.
I l) One rntght harc expecteJ him to go and spod his chancc ol gctting into the tc.im.