Zdjęcia 0170

Zdjęcia 0170

'•    »- k*l"    on    h, „-ly, k„,„ wtv., „«

7 Af «wr dmr D«ni« «nd H*Uł.*a r^L. _.    _ .

thry-rc ,% thlck 4. »h,cvd    'V**k'n*Xm*- but

u \/?i,11    /,ir    I® know tum to get rtnind the bont

l    r ,r tv'"',utuif vinmbv*. Im Jjmiłfd \t I m jomRUnun

jh«iul lor himł    *

IO 144,01 01 y°U arr    crU*tst»g Dcn.s in »łm rathet n**ty v*ay Why>

I I l hjrlrv why J.» y»ui Mmi on Inirm^piing **hilc I n \peaktngtn yout lalhcf Why Jo you rr/uv ro w«H Uli l*ve OnUhed?

I    2 t harle* reJu.seJ to .tdrmt hc \s as \n the wrong. Alihtm^h he’\ 4 nkc boy. br

ran bc vcry Muhhorn

II    I cjn w lhj| your ut usualty ttes jibout doing nothtng lot twnt oC »h< day likc oum Wuj it morc actlvć at one time ?

14 Oh ycs, ar one ttme ihc tru* lar morc activc You should havc wen her ai *

killcn. when she neirr kepi \uU lot jn Instant But Ukc cscrythingclse. cats tnstst ongrowtng up. doni they?

People nerer stop leartng the Ir litter about intttad ol puttlng It In Inter


baskets There was a Utnę when thit pienie sile tooked <]utic udy. but nov» it's .1 dUgrace.

tn the o!J Jays there u urn t anythtng herc at all cxccpt a clearing in tbr forest whcrc a fcw pcoplc war tn the habit of coming (ot thi* wondertu vicw nl the mountains

I 7 l\ hen I told c hrittinc i hal Robert had put on a lot of wcight just hcforc the Man nl ihc football scason. she replled: ’Thdt‘i)ust hic Robert’ Although fu* pretends to be the healthy sporting typc hc s actually much morc (ond uf his food than the rest of us *

18 I agreed Robert s one uf thosc plcaunt. gcmal pcoplc who habitually s»ts m cafes for hours and hours laughingand joking. and gcttinglattcr and f.ittcr.

I l) One rntght harc expecteJ him to go and spod his chancc ol gctting into the tc.im.

20 I remember when we werc childrcn Robert hoJ a habit oj saymg with a


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