.19 Solve tłie foliowi na linear programmiiig problem.
maximize ) Pjtj
subject to ^2 (hxj S fi
«*■>< 1 i ~ 1,2,.... n
Jj > 0 J = 1,2,.... n.
Here. tbe numbers pj, j « 1,2.....n, are positive and sum to one Tb*
same is true of the qj 's:
9j > 0-
Furtbermore (with only minor loss of genenlity). you may mhwm chat
ai aa
Finally. the paraineter i ii i smali positive number. See Exvcim 1 3 fbc th* moti\ ation for this problem
13 Suppose chat Y it i random \inible taking on one of u fcnown vałue*
et.02.... ,an.
Suppose we knou that V' eicher ha* dismbuuon p gi\ en by
P{Y afljlsp, or it has disrnbonon </ given by
F(K a Oj) * ąj.
Of course. che numbers Pj. j = l,2. ...,n are uonnegame and u«u to one. The same is true for the ąj *s. Based on a single obsanation ot > . we wiśh to guess whethei it has distnbuCLou p or dismbuuon q That u Ux each possible outcome aj. we will assert with probabUity st char the d&ttnburiao is p and with probability l-x; that the dismbution u«/ We w uh
to detennme the probabilities x}. j = 1.2.....a, such that che ptobebthry
of sayrng the dtstnbunon u p when m tacr u is </ has p*ob*b&hr> no largo te * uheie J u sorne smali posuive vaiue (such a* U U6) turthenuor* 0tven thu wuuwraint we w uh to inaximize the probabtlity that ara «a> the dMiiUnwa u p whaa m tad n is p FonmUate thu maxmiłzatw«*i ptobiean h a hneai pio^ótuuuu^ problem.