Bfrv nm». She thnuMni fo to hrd 10 Im.
-łc H4. >0 Wi, tN »*<K"ł N UrU OU^tht W»< J bt'i ihmk Unh will <MW la m m mnt. , /
Sarah dWiiifri .»«*•-*- Ł* śtt -»* ♦ !•.
od you. I (Mat Itnow j om o«rv Imm
N> he upwt, to l*vo drcnied MM to tHi ih*m wfut happcM
nu. butonly htciiw >ou (n^M*td i !1m ■■unia tinif . i *i
n‘t km M.ułnbrriU and to I ran «n dAr tato.
jv jW fcot*- Jl* 1 at* '.i wum
jving t»« Im «yH. He wat rafy wnna and that’» wk| ■y*»o/ wi/dCUS sJtó. Aa MłfllM VI