fot Robert A txer and Paui R Dutter - http //www smenetorg
A) Altered aigenfopyiite, pyrarcyyiit«, aigentopyiit* and acanthite. Tynehnttom Minę. Hoith Pennine*, Rritain.
*. 126 pm
B) Chalcopyiite. pyiargyrile. arcjenlopyiite. acanthite .md pyiile. lyuebollom Minę. Britain, 9. 125 pm
C) Aigentopyrite. rarmnetebergite. pyraigyiite. snfflorite and violaiite. Tynebonom Minę, Bfftałn, 9. 250 pm
0) CWoanfhile, larufnebbergite. aigenlopyiite, pyiaigyrite. saflloiile. acanthite and pyiile. lynebottom Minę. Bntain,
•.110 pm
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