Emma Wildes
Alcxander St. James may be a chief of Kcarts, but He is no burglar.
Nevcrthelcs$. hc must rccovcr an item bcionging to his family to avoid a scandal, and so hc has stolcn into the homc of Lotd Hathaway, only to eonie upon the beguiling and chaste Lady Amelia in her bedroom, wearing little but a look ofsurprise. Alexander Ieaves Amelia brcathless—but is it from fear ot excitcmcnt? Captivated by her bcauty and charmed by her intellect. he ignores the scandalous whispers as he sets out to scducc the woman of his dreams...
Juliannę Sutton had always known she would wed the Marque$s of Longhaven, as arranged by both families ycars earlicr. She*d assumed, howcver, that it would be the affable ducal heir Harry who would be her husband. not hisenigmatie brother. Michael Hcpburn. Whcn Harry dies uncxpcctcdly and Michael takes his place, morę than just her plans for marriage are altercd....
Michael battlcs a ruthlcss enemy in a gamę ofespionage and deceit, but when he discovers that his new wife may have secrets of her own, he quickly learns that lovc has a different set of rulcs....
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