Isl Evcry Aclion donc in Company, ought lo bc wilh Sonic Sign of Rcspect, 10 lhose ihal are Prcseni.

2nd Wlicn in Company, pul not your liands lo any Part of thc Blidy, not usually Discovcred.

?rd Shew Noihing to your Freind tliai may affrighi him.

4th In ihe Prescnce of Others Sing not to yoursclf willi a hum-ming Noise, nor Drurn willi your Fingers or Feet.

5th Il You Cough, Snceze, Sigh, or Yawn, do it not Loud but Pri-vately; an<l Spcak noi in your Yawning, bul pul Your band* kercbcif or Hand bcfore your lace and tum aside.

6th Sleep not when others Spcak, Sil not when others stand, Speak not when you Should hołd your Peace, walk not on when others Stop.

7th Pul not off your Ciot lis in the prescnce of Others, nor go out your Chambcr lialf Drest.

8th At Playandat FireitsGood manners to Give Place lo the łasi Commer, and affcct nol lo Speak l.ouder than Ordinary.

9lh Spił not in the Fire, nor Stoop Iow before it neither Pul your I lands into the Flantes to warm them, nor Sei your Feet upon the Fire especially if therc be meat before it.

lOth When you Sil down, Keep your Feel firm and Even, withoui putting one on the other or Crossing them.

I lih Shifi not yourself in the Sight of others nor Gnaw your nails.

12th Shake not the head, Feet, or l.egs rowl nol the Eys lift not one eyebrow liigher ihan ihe other wry nol ilu* mouih.and bedew no mans face wilh your Spinie, by approaching loo near him when you Speak.

13th Kill no Ycrmin as Fleas, lice ticks &rc in the Sight of Others,


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