cp 58

cp 58

from ailmcnts of the nasal passagcs. Thcy are thc first oncs lo suffcr in thc corrcction of thcir posturc. bccause for tbe first timc in thcir lives. thcy arc FORCED to inhale through the nostrils. and thc usual complaint follows—"I CANNOT BREATHE." This nasal dcfcct should bc correctcd.

Throwing Back thc Shouldcrs

This is anothcr trouble dircctly conncctcd with correct posturc. As soon as you tell a person to draw in thc uppet abdomen. hc will do so. but with that. will immcdiately throw back his shouldcrs. Somchow hc will hołd himself stiff. and hc therefore looks and fecls unnatural. This hc must not do. Forget thc sliouldcrs. Do not puli them up. Pulling up thc abdomen will takc carc of the shouldcrs. It must be taken into consideration that to revolutionize bodily habits—and by such a simplc method. thc ncw melhod cannot become a habit in a day or in a wcck.

Holding the Head Stiff

This habit of holding thc head up and stiff is also wrong. You arc not in the Army now. Forget it. Forget everything but thc spot I pointed out to you—under the chcst. above the stornach, bctwcen the ribs. PULL IT IN AND HOŁD IT THERE! For thc benefit of thosc still under tląc impression that the head must bc up. shouldcrs back. and anothcr hundred or so complications be neccssary to attain correct posturc. I will State that while this complicated system has donc much good. espccially to the boys in khaki and blue. having at least straightened them out and madc thcir appear-ancc considcrabty better: the usual protruding abdomen. the mouth brcathing. thc bent spinc. and the ailments conncctcd with man's unnatural methods. arc still very much in evidcnce.


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