
NAYLOR, Maria, Authentic Indian Desicms. 2500 ill. from Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology, New York, Dover Publication Inc., 1875, 219 pages.

NEERING, Rosemary, Fur Tracie (Growth of a Nation Series), Toronto, Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, 1974, 64 pages.

NEWMAN, Peter, Hudson Bav, Company of Adventurers, Montreal, Les Ćditions de l/Homme, 1985, 433 pages.

NEWMAN, Peter, Merchant Princes. Company of Adventurers, vol. III# Toronto, Penguin Books, 1986, 685 pages.

NEWMAN, Peter, Ceasars of the Wilderness, Canada, Vikings, 1987, 450 pages.

PANOFF, Michel, Sur Bronisław Malinowski, Science de l'Homme, Paris, Payot, 1972, 157 pages.

PARKMAN, Francis, France and Enaland in North America, tome I et II, New York, The Library of America, 1983, tome I (1504 pages), tome II (1620 pages).

PAYNE, Michael, Lfendroit le plus respectable du Territoire, la vie ouotidienne au service de la compaanie de la baie d'Hudson, 1788 £ 1870. Ottawa, Service canadien des parcs, 1989, 222 pages.

PELLETIER, Ćmile, A Social History of the Manitoba Metis, Manitobą Metis Press, 1974, 150 pages.

PERREAULT, Jean-Baptiste, Indian Life in the North-West Reaions in 1783, Montreal, Borśal Express, 1978, 170 pages.

POIRIER, Jean, Encyclopśdie (ethnolocie gśnórale), Plśiade, Galliraard, 1968, 1907 pages.

ROBINSON, Helen Caister, Joseph Brant, a man for his People. Toronto, Dundurn Press, 1986, 178 pages.

ROCQUET, Claude-Henri, Les racines du monde, entretien avec Andró Leroi-Gourhan, Paris, Belfont, 1982, 280 pages.

RUMILLY, Robert, La compaanie du Nord-Ouest. une £pop£e montróalai-se. tome I, Montrśal, Fides, 1980,    297 pages; tome II,

Montrśal, Fides, 1980, 307 pages.

SAUM, Lewis O., The Fur Trader and the Indians, Seattle, University of Washington, 1965, 324 pages.

SĆGUIN, Robert-Lionel, Le costume civil en Nouvelle-Frnace. Ottawa, Musśe national du Canada, 1968, 330 pages.


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