An unforgetiable altemate worki of danger, seduciion, and ihe myslcries of linie. Herc Knighi relurns lo Uial world as alicn warrior Marco McKinley is enlisied lo personally proiecl the beaulikil human solider Thea Mavcn. Now, as iwo sworn enemies are piued agaiasi eacłi other, ilieir Iives will be changed forever by ihe unprediciablc penis of lovc. Iieuayal. vengeance and passion.
ll has been years sińce exiled alien king Jared Benneu lhought of anylhing oihcr ihan his pcoplc s figlu for freedom. Now his rebel lorce łias Ihe one weapon ihal can lurn the tide againsi their enemy: Uie key lo ilie secrels of linie. Viciory has never been closer. bul one woman has the power to change everything.
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