Can God's I.ove Save Anyone?


Califcf Ilia’• gold couhtty. 1850.

A timc wbcn men sold their souls for a bog of gold and women sold their bodies far a place to slcep. A powerful rctclling of tlić book of Hosea, Radeeming Lavc is a lifc-changing story af Gocfs unconditional, rcdemptivc, all-consuming lovc.

Now available in haidcover and softcover

'Tbe crutb tbat ran ibrougb tbat story [Rcdccming Love] absolutdy toob me to my kmxs. And 1 was a cbanged person ubcn Ifinisbed rcading tbat book.

—Amy Grant

(Singcr/Songwnter) in an intcrvicw with Ted Koppd, ABC News



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