PHisim i mriis-ismn imms-irmm
*r»d their rmMkal L*eAno«n Metals. Fuli teory. feserse udc
(!cxlliv«dcd genllemen in nli oclmds ngrcc; Onliy cleclric li^hU will tlo!
thcvc irKapblc oi hearotiful iYAfiimamhłp.
Bvl. I dilły in thf imip tu6c*M. Ptease fc>fluvc me, my trjvi actimv\ to rccl at Che cvcni« of ihh urck For. indecd. I bchor th** I łw*x tuA only been iparcd dc ath. but named km* of thu tribe!
11 began on the da* t1 of m> aforemcotiooed emurion Mict being dragged ifrikr m i not-cco-kmd fashion, I found myiclf bcncath the Nanng wn, m>tong Aaot* the red. łlułt) gr«Kind The bojce* stood ir. ulem lines.
ł*wh hcady cyw thete skin a darkencd blue> rhc col««f of a finc Noe \carf if it had been Ktt£<d by fcre and charred Red duił itamed thrir todie*. ad many wee the mw hare *»f
I owe tny lifc co Kinder-wym Fa-r.hful ItandccwyiBa ! Neii the day I pulled him firom that lakę, wdden and rtcir dr<r*ned. The fiithful TrmunaA, chough yuorn not toharm Of kil. ha* pe\r\eJ ha* uoeth a huiyJrcd timca. Ihe k*4>wwm<d to ropcei hm. yc*J w, a od allotrćd him a hna! apprcoch toembracr hń nuv:<f, toon co be murdered
in ehe IMK Kcak of fa\hk*m
UpM thai cmbrxc, I taand my Ckne- -my tmyty rcsvh-er ilipped ułio my hand. bound bchtnd my back l Aikcd how be dipped it ■wty fr«n the kołois, and he cxpl*tncd chat be h>J madę use of one of hn m<c a»mind% to eteate a connevtk« t<» the kok**. It ia an arcane «t he u*e*. unexplored and un-kncMT), And he uńhes #oc me Co urite «ty Łttle in the way of explanatK*o, a* he regard*
it* powtt aa tacrcd.
V<II, J ujrt armed. Nit md bound. ConncttKrt itandmg, the kołon ptrikd hun auay. though they dk!n't •cm CO reaiiee *hae he had dooe. I had ncvcf had rva*oo CO Nos ch: wetty k«k«ves of the aacket i rcwńcd in ex-change from thM band* u> many *Avek« ago, btit m rhn cive, they may lute proced my oSwo
Whctt I rcflyou of thn ihx. I a\k tha« >\vj n<»t think too highh of me. Indced, »t *»»t nvxe yhanyc than %kafl that peiHed my fiKnd chat day. I had managed to utggle my way free of the bond% di^h, w th« I eookl in<nt one hand down bck*« the ochee. I ruuted che gun in m> fmgcr% and u « abJc u> Sa> it dat Againtt my palm. the SaiTrl pouv(ing upward akxig my arm At che Um moment befoce I «at to mret the headtman. I ducked my head focward and pvUcd the
Prtwjiwn proaiied. and thi^gh I fcU che bulk-l graee che bóck of my head, « a ho pattod chrough my btndmtp. A qukk lerk of my hand% freed n»e as that poea:. and ŚPHj&i I tt-nohaałWd, 140?l had u»mf %mall amount of or» kt imide of me I Nirned it, etihanong tny wmo, and raned che eon to tfcooc che cxe<ulioner between the cyt*. Koloni are %tn«ng, but otft chey CM fili to a buDct in the rtiht piKC
The nexc ahot feHcd the Urge^t of their leader * I had hoped thi% aloftc WMld *c-cure nve wxh cheir rae. but tc gnv them pau>e, it d-d not DMke them free me Cdint lud bcvn Scoded unh ooiy chree bulleu »hen I kft hcr. I k>ok<d to liandemym, and he thook hn head gjimh He had not had the ammuni-bM co rek\ad her.
I was left utth one buUet and an efttirc tillage fuD of nvwcerv I will not he and sny I wj% confadcnt to my chincci! Ifawewrt ł thould mention to y»u a turom* atpeec about the Mos*.You
Srrd r aoc. o er Uncc Cheir ftrit in* c<rxx»on u-Kh me, chey had beeń iftiUcent that anyone may jo*n them. Any injn they doemed noethy o ki W be madę kolosa, they clairocd. Indced. icivral of their moit
bruinh and poweeful uar* r>x% clamtcd to haie coce been men feom the City. Obsy.^ly fahe. but there n lomctfcrfśg in their nvrvdvei that makes them ihcr.k ihn wty.
And »o, with my unglc b-ilet. I dec*5ed co pwve to them that 1 «« worthy to »0«n łbem 0 ,% a l£*l greatcsc ikill uould pewide chh pevvd. I dccidcd. and vO, I raned che gon and-