Archers with longbows in a Flemish manuscript of 1338-44; notę the arrows carried in their belts. The bowmen of England were by no means the only ones to use longbows, but in most parts of western Europę archery was practised morę for hunting than warfare. (Romance of Alexander, Bodleian Library, Ms. Bod. 264, Oxford)
the crown to maintain control, to ensure that commanders kept their com-panies up to strength and adeąuately equipped, or even that they passed on the pay to their men.
During the second half of the 14th century the crown also enlisted smaller companies, some of which were little better than bands of ontlaws. An example may have been the contract with Lorent Coupe-Gorge (‘Cut-throat Larry’) and his five squires. This rather haphazard system of contractnal recruitment continued well into the 15th century, though the crown was also demanding relatively smali and properly equipped ‘feudal’ contingents from selected towns.
The Order of the Star at Table’, in a late 14th century French manuscript. The Order of the Star was founded at almost the same time as the English Order of the Garter, but did not survive long - most of its members were killed in the early battles of the Hundred Years War. (Grandes Chroniques de France, Bibliothćque Nationale, Ms. Fr. 2813, f.394, Paris)
Among the foreign troops, Genoese crossbowmen still featured prominently and their commanders included men of considerable experience. For example, Conrart Grimaldi had served in Italy before signing up with the French between 1370 and 1395; Odet d’Ansart was a squire from ‘the territory of Genoa’ and became a constable of 19 mounted crossbowmen. The crossbowmen themselves came from an even wider area, and not only Italy. Such men could find themselves serving in unlikely places, and they were probably amongst the 500 crossbowmen taken by Admirał de Vienne to Scotland in 1384.
Other foreign troops included Spaniards and, morę surprising, a handful
of Muslims from Navarre. Amongst the latter was Ibrahim Maexa who, in the late 14th century, spent six years as a Royal blacksmith in the castle of Cherbourg. Perhaps he arrived with the Navarrese army which had campaigned in Brittany?
The consequences of failure
The disasters which France suffered after the battle of Agincourt had a profound impact on its military systems. In the short term