img050 (19)

img050 (19)


more rows in patt and rep Dec row every RS row 4 times, ending with RS Row 7 or 15 of patt—20 (20, 21, 21, 22) stripes total; 32 (36, 36, 40, 40) sts rem. Draw-string casing: (WS) With smaller needles and next color, purl all sts and dec 6 sts evenly—26 (30, 30, 34, 34) sts rem. Work in rev St st for 1". BO all sts. Sew casing to WS as for front.


Sew front to back at sides. Armhole trim: With RS facing, smaller needles, and sand, beg at bottom of left-back casing, pick up and knit 40 (40, 48, 48, 56) sts along back of armhole to side seam, then 32 (32, 40, 40, 48) sts up left-front armhole to beg of front casing—72 (72, 88, 88, 104) sts. With larger needle, BO all sts loosely. Repeat for right armhole, beg at bottom of right-front casing. Weave in ends. Neck cord: With sand and smaller needle, CO 150 (156,

156, 162, 162) sts. Purl 1 row. With larger needle, BO all sts kwise. Attach a large safety pin to end of cord and thread cord through casings. Tie at side of neck. □

k on RS; p on WS

[y~\ p2»og

p on RS; k on WS

| repeat




just add yarn!

Weave garments or home furnishings with textured, fun knitting yarns. Quick and easy instructions induded. Fully assembled, ready to weave. 12 or 20 inch weaving widths. Just add yarn!

Chart A

Change color.

Change color.


10 st repeat


On the go? Fold your loom with your weaving in place. Zippered shoulder bags available for both size looms.

Chart C

8 st repeat

Simple to attach, indudes fuli instructions and a first project.

yjj USA Distributor:

yj. Foxglove Fiberarts Supply Phone (206) 780-2747 T.,



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